Nov 2016
8:09pm, 26 Nov 2016
1,365 posts
I share that mentality to be honest - but I've shied away from slow runs despite their acknowledged benefits, so my rediscovery of headphones for some (by no means all) of my longer slower runs is helping motivate myself to get out and do them at the pace they should be done!
Nov 2016
8:20pm, 26 Nov 2016
4,606 posts
To be honest I run soooo fast my headphones fall out anyway, so not bothered by this rule...
Nov 2016
12:37am, 27 Nov 2016
2,409 posts
mr d
Can't run with music, unless it's the dreadmill, ocassionally listen to the radio
Nov 2016
4:37pm, 27 Nov 2016
23,100 posts
"Surely it's not that weird to consider not every single run as being the height of fulfilment and interest? I envy you if that is the case!"
I don't know about this, I just know that for various reasons I don't find running boring. Can't imagine I'd do it if I did, there's loads of other sports I could do instead. I'm rarely disengaged when I'm running tbh.
I remember when I did my first 10 miler expecting it to be boring as that was accepted wisdom.
No issue with people running with music, it's the needing it as running is boring that I don't get.
Nov 2016
8:34am, 28 Nov 2016
1,366 posts
I think there's a world of difference between finding every run boring or difficult and therefore requiring "something extra" (i.e. music) to keep going, and finding sometimes, some runs a little harder to find the motivation for, which is what I was describing.
I can't imagine running at all if the former was the situation. I'm just acknowledging that some running (which for me is generally training towards an event of some sort, as that is what motivates me) presents motivation issues and I can empathise with those who find being able to easily add an extra dimension to it through music, podcasts etc etc being helpful.
I do know some runners who never enter races, never run with a watch and "just run", usually at fairly steady paces without any particular goal in mind other than "just running". I know that could never be me, however.
Nov 2016
1:49pm, 28 Nov 2016
59,386 posts
Larkim - as you like
I train , I enjoy all my training unless I have to swim.
Therefore I moan if out in rain. If it is raining before I start I change the session
Nov 2016
2:52pm, 28 Nov 2016
1,488 posts
Where on earth does this idea come from that if you listen to music while running you must find running boring?
I don't find Football Manager or cooking boring, but I listen to music all the same because listening to music is fun, and doesn't affect my ability to play Football Manager or cook, so I get two pleasures for the time cost of one.
Same for running - at least for solo training runs. (Not for races, because listening to music does detract from my ability to race and to enjoy it.)
I like to watch TV while doing the crossword. Does that mean I find TV boring and need a crossword as a distraction or does it mean that I find crosswords boring and need TV as a distraction? Neither, I enjoy both.
Nov 2016
3:26pm, 28 Nov 2016
59,387 posts
I think the direction and point of this thread is long gone now
I also run with music sometimes
Nov 2016
3:31pm, 28 Nov 2016
11,398 posts
SODIron © 2002
I sometimes sing to myself when I'm running....
Nov 2016
4:59pm, 28 Nov 2016
1,375 posts
I nearly always sing to myself when running!