26 Apr
9:20am, 26 Apr 2024
23,926 posts
If you want bone conduction to leave the ears open to hear traffic etc, the wrap around is the only option. Though in truth the band behind the neck doesn't actually touch and just provides the "spring" force to keep the sound-outlet bits in contact with the skin surface above the bones which allows for the noise to be heard.
Aftershokz are great, market leading. Pricey, but work really welly.
26 Apr
9:44am, 26 Apr 2024
7,292 posts
I've got the Aftershokz Aeropex, never had an issue with them getting wet but they do get overwhelmed by wind noise. Don't find that the loop gets in the way, I wear them with sunglasses and a cap or beanie and find them comfortable.
26 Apr
10:04am, 26 Apr 2024
2,630 posts
As an inveterate running music listener, here’s my tuppence worth:
Aeropex/openrun have the highest Shokz water resistance rating. Never failed me in thousands of miles in all conditions. Wind noise can be an issue but it can be an issue with buds too if it’s windy enough!
I almost always use with sunglasses.
Battery life + water resistance + durability + secure fit + easy controls + reasonable sound quality = best I’ve found and I’ve tried many alternatives.
(My favourite combination ie music/podcast source is the iPod Nano 7th generation. Bluetooth enabled, virtually weightless, tiny, easily fits in a polythene Covid test kit gash bag = waterproof; perfect for me as I don’t carry a phone or watch. They were discontinued in 2017, but they’re still available in excellent condition on CEX etc).
26 Apr
10:16am, 26 Apr 2024
23,929 posts
Agree on wind noise; and also traffic. Noise cancelling buds would be better when running alongside a busy road (not a route of choice but sometimes an inevitability), but I'm a tight-wad when it comes to spending on things like headphones, but the shockz are worth every penny.
26 Apr
10:18am, 26 Apr 2024
13,882 posts
My noise-cancelling buds have a "transparency" option so you can choose to hear noises around you clearly.
8 Oct
4:53pm, 8 Oct 2024
1,515 posts
If anyone is thinking of Shockz and has Amazon prime, there are some good deals today (there are Prime Days today and tomorrow, so I imagine the price cuts will still be there tomorrow).