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New Training Log Prototype

17 watchers
Nov 2017
8:50pm, 28 Nov 2017
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Ive just sent Fetch feedback, but posting the idea here as well.

I see HR spike data in mile 1 on most runs which I need to manually adjust. I am just wondering if fetch could build a wee calculation that spotted these spikes and offerred to re-calculate for you, discounting the clearly erroneous mile 1 date

It would be optional and need accepted and something like. We spotted what looks like an erroneous HR spike in mile 1. As things stand your HR avge for the run was 140, but we calculate that this would have been 137 if we discount the spike. Would you accept the revised HR

This would save me doing a manual re-calc
Nov 2017
9:19pm, 28 Nov 2017
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Did an interval session tonight with the club - it now looks much better with the new layout than it did - I do like the fact we have the graph as well as the columns :)
Nov 2017
8:52am, 29 Nov 2017
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K5 Gus
Thanks for making the recent changes to allow for easy changing of splits in either km/miles, and Pacey McPaceFace was fun during it's brief existence ;-)

A couple of things on Heart :
a) The columns on the BPM bar chart - only 2 out of 6 have an x-axis label, the rest are blank. Think that's changed in last few days, sure they all previously had labels ?

b) I asked a Q yesterday that probably got lost as it was quite busy at the time - same BPM chart ( not there for WHR or MHR ) a pale blue line graph overlays the bar chart, there's nothing I can see to indicate what it is, and there's no tooltip if you hover over. Is it the Pace by Heart Rate graph ? Does it need some explanation or tooltip ?
Nov 2017
9:29am, 29 Nov 2017
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Baz - I've made similar suggestions in the past as looking back over my data there is a horrible mish-mash of "good" HR data and "bad" HR data - I'd like something similar, but ideally to be able to select a period of a run (from 0 - 100% of it) for which I'd like to remove / ignore the HR data.

On the 25 splits, I can see the logic for wanting to look at it. But I am finding it cumbersome when reviewing a bog standard 5-8 mile run on opening the log having immediately to reset it to a standard 1 mile splits view. Like Fetch I was always interested in short distance spikes during races or parkruns etc, but that was always a secondary view after taking in the generic stuff first.

A personal preference allowing a default to be selected as an alternative to the 25ths would be very welcome!

(Though of course it could well be that in 2 months time I won't care and be used to it!)
Nov 2017
9:44am, 29 Nov 2017
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In Sport Tracks (an early Garmin / GPX viewing AND editing tool, rather than a general sports and activity logger), you could select sections of the graph (pace, elevation, heart rate etc.) and it would give you

selection size

You could then "split" this section out (either discard other bits, or save as separate workouts etc.)

I used it for looking at the "pace section" of a run (ignoring warm up and cool down). Or removing a section where I was stopped and hadn't paused Garmin at the time. Or the bit over the line when you missed or forgot the stop button. Or a warm up before a race that I forgot to stop and start as separate sessions. Or even just deleting a section in the car when I forgot to stop Garmin completely!

I realise this would be really hard for Fetch, because this is a website, not a thick client app, but with modern tools websites are becoming nearly as functionally rich as local apps. :-) G
Nov 2017
2:26pm, 29 Nov 2017
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If you are uploading .fit files, similar can be acheived with this;
Nov 2017
3:08pm, 29 Nov 2017
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@Oranj - I've changed the biking zones to mph and kmph, but haven't yet reversed them, so you'll have to move them left rather than right, if that makes sense.
Nov 2017
6:47pm, 29 Nov 2017
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Got it, thanks
Nov 2017
10:27pm, 29 Nov 2017
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Just wanted to say, I will respond to the other questions... had a horrific day for internet connectivity today that resulted in me setting off next doors house alarm :-) Plus the couple of days before the calendar launches is always a bit crazy.
Nov 2017
1:22pm, 30 Nov 2017
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Am I being thick (probably!) - the pace graph used to tell you what the pace on the line was e.g. a spike of faster or slower down or up a hill. Now the box of figures that comes up tells pace only for the dotted line (average pace), accumulated since start or for that split. i.e. not "current pace" but only "lap pace" and "average pace".

Is there anyway of knowing the current pace? I suppose I could just zoom in until the splits are as small as poss to sort of see the most granular pace? Thanks, :-) G

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Try the new training prototype.

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