New Training Log Prototype

17 watchers
Nov 2017
3:18pm, 28 Nov 2017
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K5 Gus
Drell - you can still see in kms or miles, but you have to know how, it's like a secret code ;-)

If you use the drop-down to change the distance to a different value, then after the page refreshes you'll notice the url magically changes to have the unit in it "miles" or "km" depending what your default is, plus the chosen distance eg "miles/0.25".
You can then change the url unit, and also distance, ie "km/1" or "km/0.5" etc at the end. Note that it's miles plural, but km singular ;-)

Why the km options don't appear in the drop-down I'm not sure, it was asked for a couple of weeks back. If you know how to do it, then it's ok, but still a bit long-winded, and anyone new is going to have no chance of working it out.

Also, if you do change the display option in the url from one of the "miles" to one of the "km" choices, then the drop down always shows 0.06125 when it most certainly isin't, ie it could be 2km, but drop down will show 0.06125 miles.
Nov 2017
3:23pm, 28 Nov 2017
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Working on it...
Nov 2017
3:35pm, 28 Nov 2017
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There you go Drell.
Nov 2017
3:53pm, 28 Nov 2017
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Looking at the old way of changing the pace bands there are nice little arrows that let you adjust the pace bands accurately and easily, the sliders are too fiddly, especially on mobile but also on desktop.

I would still like to see a reset to default button.

I'm still not sure why the splits default to such small ones and even when reset, go back to the little splits on relooking. My wish list would be that the splits default to whatever I have used on the run as those figures, ie the ones that come out in the comments, are the ones that are the most useful.

Once the splits and pace bands work I think the new coloured trace on the map will be really good, would also be interesting to see a pace trace over the elevation.

I also like the tags and once they go live I hope they can be used as an easy way to compare similarly tagged runs.
Nov 2017
4:04pm, 28 Nov 2017
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Thanks Fetch!
Nov 2017
4:16pm, 28 Nov 2017
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@K5 Gus - it's km singular *and* plural. Never append an S. ;)
Nov 2017
4:45pm, 28 Nov 2017
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@bonners - here's my rationale for going for 'about 25 columns'. My watch is set up to record mile splits. In a short run, like a parkrun, mile splits are ok, but for me at least, I need a bit more detail. For example, the first quarter of a mile is congested, so I want to see how much time I lost through not being able to run freely. Similarly, there are a *few* undulations on our 2.5 lap course, so a few more columns help to illustrate it. But when I look at HM distance, quarter miles are a bit too granular. And when I get to 20's and maras and ultras, it's more likely that I will want to look at chunks of my route, to see how my pacing strategy went. And besides, it's quick to change with the dropdown and the magnifying glass.

That said, I am looking at how I might be able to record any unusual split configuration from a runner's watch - e.g. if doing pyramids or something. It does complicate things somewhat, because as well as being different heights, the bars would also potentially be different widths. As I explained earlier, when a session is recorded as intervals, I default to a higher number of columns, to show the detail (like me for example - I often start each interval too quickly, and end up flagging a bit towards the end).

As for the sliders... I've just added some plus and minus buttons to help you fine tune your zones. There's no 'reset to default' option, because there's no default set of paces that works for every person. I suppose I could offer up some sort of zone calculation based on recent 5k / 10k / half marathon times etc - but again this is quite subjective, and it's pretty easy to set them up how you want them now.
Nov 2017
4:55pm, 28 Nov 2017
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I presume in the intervals stuff you're looking at potentially graphing / tabulating the lap splits as recorded on the watch? That *would* be helpful if (like me) you manually lap intervals. e.g.

The "notes" contains the laps, and *cough cough* strava shows the laps stuff in a similar way to the way that you're presenting the GPS data - for example is the same run.

Much more useful to see that graphically or tabulated than an arbitrary 0.125 of a mile for example, where the start of an interval may well not match the start of a unit.
Nov 2017
5:00pm, 28 Nov 2017
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Great feedback, thanks fetch, nice to hear the rationale . I guess everybody's ideal is something different and you can't please everyone all the time . For me probably not ideal, but I'm sure I'll get used to changing it when I want to look at different splits.

Those plus and minus buttons make Al the difference to the pace bands, especially on the phone thanks.
Nov 2017
6:50pm, 28 Nov 2017
697 posts
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Its probably in hand, but can the Biking Zones sliders be in speed rather than pace?

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