Mundane thread

11 lurkers | 161 watchers
May 2020
7:28pm, 21 May 2020
8,480 posts
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One of my friends informed me yesterday that condoms are not vegan. The MOST odd thing about this is that she found out because her work have invested in a company who do some kind of online counselling, and she discovered via google that their name is the same as a brand of vegan condoms.
May 2020
7:32pm, 21 May 2020
33,822 posts
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There is a brand of condoms that are vegan . I know this because it come up in conversation at work the other week.
May 2020
7:34pm, 21 May 2020
46,651 posts
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Most of the writers in this magazine don't seem old enough to know about condoms.
May 2020
7:38pm, 21 May 2020
44,352 posts
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LG, might it be a good idea to keep a food diary and see if there's some kind of link to these headaches?
May 2020
7:41pm, 21 May 2020
44,353 posts
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I went to the beach and paddled in the sea. I might have been tempted to have a swim if I had my cossie with me. ;-) Lots of smells of wacky baccy drifting up to the prom as I got nearer the pier.

May 2020
7:57pm, 21 May 2020
48,917 posts
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Unexpectedly at Tesco
May 2020
8:05pm, 21 May 2020
31,131 posts
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On a bed. I sat down and can't get back up because of the glue. QP is still cooking dinner. Long and boring story. In a weird mood and the dog is being a pain which is not helping.
May 2020
8:08pm, 21 May 2020
45,392 posts
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*Wonders if Tesco pounced on Dio*
May 2020
8:26pm, 21 May 2020
44,355 posts
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"Unexpected item in the bagging area"
May 2020
8:28pm, 21 May 2020
23,277 posts
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Johnny Blaze
Banged a pan and chatted to the next door neighbour.

About This Thread

Maintained by Johnny Blaze
I have replaced the batteries in the TV remote.

The old ones were flat, so it wasn't working.

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  • mundane
  • sofa

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