Jan 2020
7:32pm, 11 Jan 2020
32,667 posts
LittleD systematically says no to the first four (at least) things you offer her. Sometimes she does come back to the first one, with a very heavy sigh and an eyeroll, like you are making her eat dust.
Jan 2020
7:32pm, 11 Jan 2020
37,764 posts
Lip Gloss
OH is less picky than me . I would eat chicken 7 days a week but that's not fair
Jan 2020
7:33pm, 11 Jan 2020
32,668 posts
And periodically OH or I will reminisce about how we 'ate what we were given and liked it'
Jan 2020
7:35pm, 11 Jan 2020
44,768 posts
I didn't, I recall being considered a nightmare to feed, though I would contend that this was because most of what I was expected to eat was intrinsically nasty.
Jan 2020
7:38pm, 11 Jan 2020
42,899 posts
We had a similarly reminiscent conversation yesterday when youngest said he wasn't keen on mashed potatoes and asked if we ate it a lot when we were young. Despite being from middle-class (Liebling) and working-class (me) backgrounds we had very similar dinners: a meat of some kind, two veg and mashed potato. One day a week the meat was liver.
Jan 2020
7:41pm, 11 Jan 2020
42,618 posts
We often had mashed potatoes, but my Mum was an expert at it as there was lots of butter and milk in it so really creamy.
Jan 2020
7:42pm, 11 Jan 2020
29,783 posts
Having been forced to eat what was put in front of me I swore not to put QP through that. I distinctly remember sitting at the dinner table for a lifetime chewing the same piece of tough meat. More than once as well. QP had a very restricted diet for a long while and still claims to ‘hate’ anything that is not a current favourite. Drives me f*cking mental.
Jan 2020
7:45pm, 11 Jan 2020
44,211 posts
The problem with asking the children is it would be pizza 6 days a week, with a roast on Sunday, and an Indian takeaway one day for variety.
Jan 2020
7:48pm, 11 Jan 2020
14,710 posts
MIne more or less get what they're given - but husband has different preferences to me, so often it's two different meals these days - him and eldest and me and youngest - unless it's a roast or spag bol.
Jan 2020
7:53pm, 11 Jan 2020
29,784 posts
Half watching You Were Never Really Here. I have no idea what’s going on. I think I should have fully watched it.