May 2018
1:22pm, 25 May 2018
22,217 posts
In cafe Nero. My sandwich was served in a bowl
May 2018
1:25pm, 25 May 2018
2,889 posts
Clock watching...
May 2018
1:47pm, 25 May 2018
40,195 posts
Fruit salad
May 2018
2:05pm, 25 May 2018
18,655 posts
Wriggling Snake
My sandwich was served on a plate.
May 2018
2:11pm, 25 May 2018
40,196 posts
May 2018
2:21pm, 25 May 2018
41,319 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
I hope you tweeted WeWantPlates, Doc. That’s all shades of wrong. Smoked salmon and roast veg salad for late lunch, I need to take off my sweaty kit after running back from Zumba. It’s cool outside but super muggy
May 2018
2:40pm, 25 May 2018
5,021 posts
Its very hot in here.
Eating Green and Black’s 70% dark chocolate. Feeling unenthusiastic.
May 2018
2:59pm, 25 May 2018
7,156 posts
By the time I got back from my lunchtime stroll to M&S the canteen had shut. The only other option is the sandwich deli place, and as I've eaten enough bread to sink a battleship lately I had made a decision this morning that I wasn't going to have any today.
Therefore lunch = *coffee* Hopefully dinner will be both plentiful and early this evening
May 2018
3:00pm, 25 May 2018
7,157 posts
And I obviously don't know what the coffee symbol is.
May 2018
3:07pm, 25 May 2018
23,258 posts