May 2018
4:49pm, 25 May 2018
33,488 posts
The window cleaner came and went. Too much faffage this afternoon and nothing achieved so cba now. Tea is brewing in the pot.
May 2018
5:06pm, 25 May 2018
3,215 posts
Contemplating washing the car.
May 2018
5:10pm, 25 May 2018
22,221 posts
Might have a packet of crisps
May 2018
5:15pm, 25 May 2018
40,204 posts
Under a cat
May 2018
5:19pm, 25 May 2018
6,848 posts
Beer and gin has been purchased. An extra bottle of wine just in case. The store also sold “live bait” as there is a lake for fishing nearby
May 2018
6:11pm, 25 May 2018
19,158 posts
On a bus. On ready for a beer or three.
May 2018
6:15pm, 25 May 2018
22,223 posts
May 2018
6:19pm, 25 May 2018
41,324 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
I’m off alcohol for a few weeks after my hangover last week. I might convert it to a ‘just one drink’ rule as it’s quite boring TBH. Going to watch Netflix, I should go to the allotment but I CBA.
May 2018
6:29pm, 25 May 2018
3,216 posts
Car has been washed
May 2018
6:41pm, 25 May 2018
25,659 posts
I have initiated a 'drink more' policy after Budapest and a frankly shitty day. Cider and pizza