Apr 2020
8:21am, 6 Apr 2020
1,652 posts
I planted some more potatoes yesterday. Normally I line the bottom of the trench with horse manure but given it is unavailable at the moment I have used my home compost. My soil is very dry, so with very little or no rain forecast for the next week, after half covering the potatoes I soaked the soil with water butt water before adding the rest of the soil. Only 2.5kg left of Desirees to plant now, sometime in the next few days.
Apr 2020
8:50am, 6 Apr 2020
5,689 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I’ve seen a couple of people mentioning using wood ash on their beds, I didn’t know you could do this. Tell me more please - what is it good for, how much to use etc.
Apr 2020
9:50am, 6 Apr 2020
15,540 posts
Frag, I just sprinkle the wood ash around a bit when I clear the grate (when there's been no coal in it, I don't think coal-ash is good for the garden ??)
Sometimes it just gets added to a Dalek if that's easier - hopefully, someone who knows better will be along shortly!
Both lawns had their second cut yesterday, lots of weeding done in the flower beds out front - weeds going mad already! More seeds planted in make-shift propagators on the windowsills. Can't find any French bean seeds
Was so sore yesterday after Saturday I didn't feel like running, it's a bit drizzly here today so a run will happen soon Then I have half a Dalek to put in the bed that will be runner beans as the compost area needs moving out the way for a while.
Apr 2020
11:25am, 6 Apr 2020
17,437 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Very pleased to find local garden centre doing orders and still have potatoes, tomato plants and some seeds. And compost in bags.
Apr 2020
12:00pm, 6 Apr 2020
11,051 posts
FDNB, I basically do what Rosehip does too. It's not a precise science in my case....
I am trying to sprinkle it evenly and not too heavily in any one spot on the beds,,and chuck a shovelful into the composter every so often.
I think the coal ash thing relates to the sulphur content. Basically if it smells bad when you sprinkle it, don't! Charcoal and wood ash works well to help break up the clay lumps, I find, and vanishes away into the compost from the Dalek before I get to spread it out on the beds anyway.
Apr 2020
12:05pm, 6 Apr 2020
5,548 posts
Eynsham Red
We placed an order with our local garden centre yesterday lunchtime for a rhubarb, some herbs and seeds. We were told that it would be delivered Tuesday/Wednesday, but they dropped the order off at 5:30 🙂
Apr 2020
12:36pm, 6 Apr 2020
1,654 posts
My local garden centre is doing home deliveries, but I don't need anything - I had cycled to the centre to buy all that I needed (mainly 60kg of New Horizon organic peat-free compost) the day before the lockdown shut the centre. Great timing on my part.
Apr 2020
1:51pm, 6 Apr 2020
15,541 posts
You cycled with 60kg of compost? (that must weight about the same as you - I hope it wasn't all in one bag!
I've not managed to find out if any of our local garden centres are doing online delivery, but I know mum's is taking telephone orders and delivering as best they can.
Had an email from Sutton's seeds - they will have excess stock since they are not supplying usual garden centre outlets. Ordered some lucky dip chilli plants. They have a queue to get onto the website, but still have seeds and flower plug plants etc.
Apr 2020
1:52pm, 6 Apr 2020
15,542 posts
and I found some French bean seeds
Apr 2020
1:56pm, 6 Apr 2020
12,338 posts
I bought most of my seeds the Sunday before lockdown...forgot to get sunflower seeds so won't be joining in that competition this year...in my case, just keeping them alive!