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Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

78 watchers
Apr 2020
10:12pm, 3 Apr 2020
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I have given up on mesh/nets etc for my veg. I just sacrifice a few cabbages etc and find the PSB survives the onslaught quite happily to be seriously productive this time next year :) I do net my soft fruit though!

I had a bit of a panic buy this morning! Last night, while in the bath, it suddenly dawned on me that I need about 40 bags of compost in the very near future, to plant out my tomatoes and the ones for two of my clients! The local builders merchant is delivering, as the shop is closed. I usually just pick up bags as and when I need them, but needs must! I needed some 1x2 too for the top of the pergola and some fence posts and tree stakes and a box of screws. It was enough for free delivery, things soon ad up...

My man was going to help me put the half pergola up, but because we don't live together, we can't see each other :( The uprights are 3 metres, 50 cms into the ground with a bag of post crete each to hold them in place. 4x4's, really heavy. Not sure how I can do this on my own. The other half was put up with help from a friend, holding the post level, while I poked around with a watering can, a bit of bamboo and the post crete. I wonder if two pruning ladders could prop the post up more or less level while I administer the post crete/water, poke around a bit, then hold level for 10 minutes while the post crete goes off? I did manage to put up three 2x2 posts for a pleaching frame on my own, but they are much much smaller and lighter. Hmmm...
Apr 2020
10:45pm, 3 Apr 2020
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I've just checked on Wickes website for compost, because I ordered the wrong size paving slabs so am 4 short of a full base (numpty! ).

They are rather taking the p with their prices for compost and grow bags. I shall be looking elsewhere.

And hopefully not needing to much anyway. But I've just ordered 200 plug bedding plants! Urk.
Apr 2020
11:13pm, 3 Apr 2020
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Local Morrison's had piles of large bags of compost. There were even on special offer (multibuy). Tbh when I got some a couple of years ago, I didn't think it was great, and bought Lidl compost last year. Which may also have compost though only in small bags. Home Bargains might also have some.

Official guidelines on gov.uk say you should only go outside for food, but hmm, if you are outside for food and buy additional things, which are all being freely sold.

Had a look at Wickes - compost prices don't seem out of order? Although a fiver for a growbag, even if it is a big one :-o
Apr 2020
9:47am, 4 Apr 2020
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Have ordered from B&Q who are running click and collect! £8odd, for 120 litre bag. So I've ordered 2. Growbags at £2.50 so have ordered 4!

Not sure if that qualifies as an essential journey by any means, will need to go buy a pint of milk at the tesco garage next door to it. :-o.
Apr 2020
11:27am, 4 Apr 2020
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Peat free?
Apr 2020
12:43pm, 4 Apr 2020
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Ah, no. Shuffles off in shame....
("100% peat, coir & green compost")
Apr 2020
3:01pm, 4 Apr 2020
194 posts
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Ooh B&Q have released compost into click and collect orders now :)
Apr 2020
4:20pm, 4 Apr 2020
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Angus Clydesdale
Probably not a good time to tell you that we use peat on our fire then?
Apr 2020
4:45pm, 4 Apr 2020
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😮 @Angus.

I grew kale last year and the caterpillars had a field day until I took to picking them off by hand on a daily basis. I always missed some (very good at camouflage) but most plants survived to be eaten by me during the winter.
Apr 2020
6:30pm, 4 Apr 2020
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When I first started gardening, I used squash the eggs and later on pick off the caterpillars by hand as well.

However, it took so long (and twice a day!), and due to working on-call and weekends I could never keep up, even with companion planting (marigolds), so I had to resort to barrier defences (enviromesh) which, for me, is a much better solution. I don't mind seeing the mesh, and besides it is often hidden by my Oriental poppies.

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Maintained by GregP
A wire about gardening.
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