Medals, or cheaper entries?

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Nov 2023
3:51pm, 28 Nov 2023
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I like a medal. But quite happy with a nice wooden medal.

I only keep about one in ten of the t-shirts I get as they don't fit. I'm happy to order and pay extra for a t-shirt if I like the design/event and I know it will fit. I'm sick to death of being told they're unisex t-shirts when actually they're mens.

Years ago entries on the day or close to race day often didn't get medals or any other goodies on offer. An incentive to get runners to enter early is to ensure they will get medal etc.
Nov 2023
3:52pm, 28 Nov 2023
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In most instances I'll gladly take a reduced entry fee rather than a medal or any other piece of race memorabilia. I will not, however, pay the full entry fee and forego the medal in favour of some nebulous promise to "plant a tree".

Many of the races I've entered recently have had small financial incentives for signing up well in advance, which may be worth considering if cashflow and ensuring there are enough entrants for the race to go ahead are issues.
Nov 2023
3:56pm, 28 Nov 2023
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This is my favourite wooden medal.

Nov 2023
4:14pm, 28 Nov 2023
388 posts
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I think medals are nice for target races. The issue is that there will always been some people for whom the race is the main goal, and others for whom it's a warm up. And I think they should be for all, rather than singling people out.

Obviously if an organiser said it was not possible that would be fine with me. An alternative would be to have an official medal that people order themselves. There must be a way to use Shopify (or whatever it's called) to design a medal and then it gets made to order.

I don't think the quality of a medal is remotely relevant. There's an emotional attachment to it if it's important to you, and not one if there isn't. So the most practical option would be sensible.
Nov 2023
4:17pm, 28 Nov 2023
21,122 posts
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Follow the fell race (or for that matter orienteering) route - make your races as cheap and as no frills as possible. Average price for an orienteering or fell race is about £8-12 (and a few years ago that would have been considered expensive!)

Unless it's a "marquee" event, then I don't see the point in most "gifts" races give away. Medals are particularly useless.

I have some slate coasters and some mugs which I do use - but these were generally prizes. I have a stack of old race t-shirts - a few of which have sentimental value (3P or marathons or similar generally), but most I just wear for convenience and it doesn't matter if they get trashed doing the painting/gardening/sawing etc.

For me, a jaded and cynical injured runner, the point is to do the race, not to get tat for doing it.
Nov 2023
4:30pm, 28 Nov 2023
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my local half marathon offers 2 different entry prices - one we get a medal, t-shirt and a goody bag the other is just a medal.

And the 10km pud run has also given t-shirts in the past - but didn't this year which lead to some disappointed runners!
Nov 2023
7:30pm, 28 Nov 2023
2,792 posts
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It's got to be a medal for me, as you might expect from my forum alias. I have boxes of them, and each one reminds me of a good day out. Doesn't have to be metal though. I've got a couple of wooden ones and this one from the Truro half marathon is plastic. But I do favour races with some bling at the finish over those without.

Nov 2023
7:49pm, 28 Nov 2023
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Give out tokens at the end of the race which allow the purchase of some made to order item like a mug.

Plus free food.
Nov 2023
7:57pm, 28 Nov 2023
4,166 posts
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I used to do a race where they gave you a commemorative mug at the end, and then fill it with tea. Then one year they gave you the mug, but no tea. Obviously I didn't go back the next year.

Medals are just pointless clutter.
Nov 2023
4:51am, 29 Nov 2023
670 posts
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I am not a fan of medals either and would prefer something useful or to pay less absolutely.

About This Thread

Maintained by DeeGee
I've just about recovered from a fantastic weekend organising an event.

Before the pandemic, people were keen to sign up early, by the summer I had plenty of funds in the event account and I could buy medals with impunity.

Since the pandemic, entries appear to come in a lot later. I was listening to one of the guys running this weekend and he was boasting of how he only ever enters events the week before so he gets to keep the money in his account rather than the race organisers.


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