Mar 2018
5:23pm, 1 Mar 2018
2,728 posts
For the first time in a few years I wore leggings today - first time ever that I’ve worn full length ones (have only worn 3/4 length previously). I also wore long socks, and shorts on top.
Jan 2019
3:22pm, 23 Jan 2019
21,141 posts
Wriggling Snake
No, still no this winter, 1C and snow last night......
Jan 2019
3:23pm, 23 Jan 2019
37,974 posts
Mine no longer fit
Jan 2019
3:29pm, 23 Jan 2019
21,142 posts
Wriggling Snake
Weight training muscles, or something else?
Jan 2019
3:33pm, 23 Jan 2019
6,644 posts
I don't object to others wearing leggings, but I've not yet run on a day where shorts aren't absolutely fine so I don't own any leggings / running tights. I just don't see / feel the need as I have a natural inclination towards avoiding over-heating and / or wearing as few wet clothing items as possible.
According to Runalyze, the coldest I ran in last year was -5 with windchill at -11, and it doesn't stick in my mind as being memorable for having cold legs etc.
Jan 2019
3:42pm, 23 Jan 2019
21,143 posts
Wriggling Snake
that sounds cold to me!
Jan 2019
3:55pm, 23 Jan 2019
30,209 posts
Larkim, have you ever been up a mountain when running? There are times and places for leg (and indeed full body) cover!
But no, shorts only for last few years. No winter hill races for a while! G
Jan 2019
4:00pm, 23 Jan 2019
20,552 posts
I needed them when it got below -10 in Belgium, but I've not needed them in the yookay yet, and they're grim
Jan 2019
4:35pm, 23 Jan 2019
6,645 posts
I did run at 2,300m in winter once in shorts whilst on a skiing holiday. Whilst my lungs couldn't cope with the oxygen deficit, the legs were fine. It wasn't raining or snowing though, just approx -15degC I think?
I'd probably agree that if I was expecting to be out >2 hours up a mountain in wet and cold conditions I might need to think about something other than shorts, but I'd have to be convinced. Once my legs get warm from running after a short while I still can't imagine needing tights on etc.
Jan 2019
4:45pm, 23 Jan 2019
5,893 posts
Pompey Paul
Clearly a Southern Softie here - no shorts for me when it's below +10 degC And no mountains here either on the south coast
I always think that running in the cold in shorts increases the risk of a muscle injury, no scientific evidence of course, just a gut feeling I suppose