Jun 2014
12:26pm, 11 Jun 2014
830 posts
I've noticed that a few people on here do LDWA events, and thought I might start a thread to get some idea of people's opinions of the LDWA in general, and some specific events.
I've only done one event organised by the LDWA, the Lakeland Derwentwater Amble, and really enjoyed the route and the general low key nature of the event. It reminded me very much of cycling Audax events; low key, cheap, run by enthusiasts and non-competitive (sort of). I was left with the opinion that the LDWA was a very good thing, and that I would like to do a few more of their events.
A couple I had in mind were the Four Lakeland Passes in September and the Three Rings of Shap next June. Has anybody had experience of those events, or can recommend any others to me?
And for those with more knowledge of the LDWA, should I join?
Jun 2014
12:34pm, 11 Jun 2014
29,889 posts
Flanker and KinkyS have done the Three Rings of Shap; eL Bee! and I did the first two rings one year but had to miss out the third to get back in time for the buzzy one to get to work on the Sunday. The first is great, the second is a bit dreary and long, and the food, support and organisation were magnificent.
I've done a fair old scattering of LDWA events over the years. Can't think of a single one that's left me thinking, "Actually, that wasn't all that good."
Yes. Definitely join
Jun 2014
12:45pm, 11 Jun 2014
15,883 posts
For the stingy aspirant member of the 100 marathon club, the LDWA provide a good-value method to make up numbers/enjoy cakes/generally have a good time.
I very much enjoy that sort of thing. I've even done some where a couple of pints were consumed mid run.
Jun 2014
10:29am, 12 Jun 2014
836 posts
I can't believe there aren't more LDWA fans on Fetch?
Jun 2014
10:30am, 12 Jun 2014
10,793 posts
There are
Jun 2014
10:36am, 12 Jun 2014
5,591 posts
I like these events. Normally a nice day out with a good feed. I did Elsecar Skelter a couple of times but that is sadly no longer put on. Birmingham Canal Canter was a nice race. Charnwood Marathon is not LDWA but is a similar format and that is one of my favourite races.
Jun 2014
12:17pm, 12 Jun 2014
441 posts
I've done a fair few LDWA and the like events, and they are ace! A long run that's a good day out, cheap with plenty of food and generally a more interesting route than a big-city road marathon, what's not to like?!! The only one I didn't enjoy was Stansted Stagger a couple of years ago (such a mud-fest!) but I disliked the Flower of Suffolk first time round and now it's one of my favourites
Jun 2014
12:55pm, 12 Jun 2014
173 posts
I'm heading up to Shap on Saturday with Kinky and Flanker; they've always spoke so highly of their events. I'm *just* doing rings 1 and 3 however for numerous reasons! I think the 100k would kill me completely, whereas rings 1 and 3 will be great preparation for the Lakeland 50. I also need to get back to Manchester to then go to Gardeners World Live on Sunday :-/ Just as V'rap says, I'd heard ring 2 was a bit dreary so opted for 1 and 3.
There are also plans afoot to attempt their 100 mile event next year as it's in my area (the Lancs LDWA are hosting it) and apparently it's something I should do in my 40th year of existence...........
I think I will also join as it's cheap and I think it is good to support such an organisation. They seem to have a friendly fb page too.
Jun 2014
12:58pm, 12 Jun 2014
1,560 posts
There are a LOT of LDWA fans (and members) on here
Jun 2014
1:06pm, 12 Jun 2014
4,035 posts
LDWA events are almost without fail excellent. I don't understand how they can do it for the money. I have joined LDWA because I do so many of their challenge events (Malvern Midsummer Marathon is a week or so). You get a little bit off race entry making it even cheaper but the reason I joined was actually to show support.