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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Jun 2023
2:22pm, 6 Jun 2023
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I currently weigh 50.5 kg and looking at my 'ahem' records see that I get at least 80 often closer to 105 g of protein most days. Seems on target. Well, doing the sums, OVER target to be honest - I do like most good protein sources and have to watch out that I get enough carbs. Gotter have carbs!

I find rice, pasta and the like dead boring - prefer loads of veg - but my secret recipe black bread has been a game changer for a portable meal with some cheese.
Jun 2023
2:36pm, 6 Jun 2023
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Welshpoppy - that's great progress. I read your blog and you're running well too.
Jun 2023
2:37pm, 6 Jun 2023
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I've just popped in and this is interesting to read. I'm wondering if I should try and up my protein. I'm not a 'massive' volume trainer like I was once upon a time, but I still ride or run every day plus bootcamp 4x week and do some long rides (200k last Saturday for example)

What I notice, in my old age :p is that my recovery is now shocking. I can't do anywhere near like what I could even if I had the time available. Something hurts all the time, and whereas something I would have recovered from in 24 hours 10 years ago, I most certainly do NOT now.

I accept some will be down to age, although I'm still early 40s so not ancient. Some is probably down to 'life'. Everything is a rush, there's no days of nothing like I guess I could have once had, no restful lunch hours as there's always some rushing around to do, or it's the only time for a run. BUT. I think there's probably a fair bit I could do better with diet. I'd also like to be a bit less wobbly than I am now.

I don't realllllly want to use protein shakes etc, god knows all the junk that's in there. Or are they not too bad? I'm veggie but like eggs, cheese etc. I don't eat enough fruit. Think a 'lazy' diet, which is what I probably have now (I do get gousto which gives me a proper dinner) would effect recovery? I've made *some* progress in 6 months of bootcamp but certainly not massive amounts, I'd like to be a lot stronger. I'm not gonna go to a gym to lift 'heavy'. I need people. I WFH 100% and miss people. I could get some definition and strength with dumbbells up to about 12kg and bodyweight though I would have thought? We use a lot of dumbbells and barbells etc for deadlifts etc
Jun 2023
2:40pm, 6 Jun 2023
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Homeless Kodo
American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for protein intake for adults vary dependent on weight & activity levels. They go from 0.8g/kg/day for sedentary people to 1.6g/kg/day for athletes/active people up to 2g/kg/day for bodybuilders in a bulking phase. Active, teenage athletes may require up to 2.2g/kg/day, but they’re a rare beast.
It’s not hard to get sufficient protein on a vegetarian diet. I manage to get over 1.6g/kg/day on a vegan diet covering all 9 essential and 6 conditionally essential amino acids.

Adding muscle bulk becomes harder as we age, as has been mentioned previously, it’s possible to alter body composition, but adding muscle bulk after 40 is extremely difficult and after 50 is virtually impossible without using anabolic steroids, testosterone injections or other PEDs; having said that using the over the counter supplement Creatine may have benefits in terms of muscle retention & strength development. After these ages muscle loss of around 2-3kg per decade tends to happen which can be ameliorated by weight/strength training, in some people this loss will lead to Sarcopaenia. Although you won’t build muscle weight lifting will aid in retaining what you have which has multiple benefits in terms of function & well being. According to Squat University (social media name for an American Physiotherapist with a PhD) loss of independence due to loss of muscle & strength is the leading cause of admission to nursing homes in the USA.
Jun 2023
2:41pm, 6 Jun 2023
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Sharkie - I weigh about 57kg and eat roughly 150g of protein a day.

I eat little pasta, rice etc. I have mostly veg too instead.

My instructor did say that when I reach my target fat % I can probably maintain on 25% protein.
Jun 2023
2:50pm, 6 Jun 2023
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Where do you get it from Shades that isn't meat? I need ideas :) xx
Jun 2023
2:57pm, 6 Jun 2023
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Gymfreak - I eat meat and fish.

Today, breakfast was cheese omelette, toast
Lunch lentil soup with cooked chicken thighs added. Banana on toast.

Dinner will be salmon steak and large salad, generous on the dressing, which is mostly olive oil

Snack a few grapes with Skyr yogurt.
Jun 2023
3:08pm, 6 Jun 2023
21,421 posts
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Breakfast - usually fish and veg
Midday - big salad with either tuna, omelette, bean burger, falafels, or cheese. Also generous olive oil dressing
Dinner - could be anything. I make lots of ready meals and add LOADS of veg. Protein is mainly chicken, lentils, beans, occasionally fish.

At least half a pint of milk in drinks (loads of cappuccinos - not milky but lots of them!
And a lot of plain Greek yoghurt.

That's my basic diet. Black bread and cheese for when I'm out and about OR when I don't want a big round tum before a dance class or training session.
Jun 2023
3:09pm, 6 Jun 2023
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Yep I know you have a lot of meat and fish, just wanted to steal some of your other ideas! :) I like the idea of omelettes for breakfast. I might try this.
Jun 2023
3:09pm, 6 Jun 2023
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So my diet is pretty similar to Shades'. I don't like fruit much but make up for it with veg.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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