Ladies Who Lift...

95 watchers
Jan 2019
12:44pm, 12 Jan 2019
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I love my old Inov8 F-Lite 195s - have 2 old pairs on the go for gym/deadlifting, but both are quite old, and the new-style pair I bought have been chucked already, as the upper wore through on the little toes really quickly :( I've bought a pair of Reeboks, but they seem to have quite a wide upper compared to my F-Lites. I've bought a pair of Converse to wear for deadlifting, just need to wear them in a bit first (they are, of course, pink and glittery ;) ).

Had first PT session in about a month last night, and this is first week back of heavy singles and 5RM after last comp (next comp is in Feb). Squat weight had been due to increase by 2.5kg for heavy single each week, but after last night, he's decided that's far too conservative and is putting them up by 5kg! Aim for the comp is to get a 100kg squat...
Jan 2019
3:04pm, 12 Jan 2019
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I invested in some weight lifting shoes, Cath. They really are good if you do Olympic lifts and the like. They might be advertised as Crossfit friendly these days.

The styling is different this year (asper!)- but mine are Adidas like these. I have to have the shoes for job - I've got shot put shoes and javelin boots well as spikes for HJ AND and LJ. I am a tart, as Beanie will tell you.
Jan 2019
3:07pm, 12 Jan 2019
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I did a huge (for me) session in the serious gym at Lee Valley this morning. Bench and cleans are SLOWLY improving and mid way through the session I deadlifted 4 x 40k, 4 x 45 then 4 x 50. As I weight less than 50kg and used my pensioner's bus pass to get to the gym I was quite pleased with that!

I still needed assistance changingthe bar/grip on the lat pull down though!
Jan 2019
6:32pm, 12 Jan 2019
1,525 posts
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I use the Adidas Powerlifts for squats and bench - me likes :)

Sharkie, that's ace - you are indeed tiny! Well done :)
Jan 2019
6:44pm, 12 Jan 2019
7,697 posts
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Thanks for the tip, Sharkie. I’ll maybe wait a while before I splash out on more new shoes - the F-Lites seem decent enough for now.

That’s impressive lifting for your weight - never mind the bus pass age :-)
Jan 2019
6:48pm, 12 Jan 2019
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Not 'much' less than 50kg. 49.9 perhaps! But I see 50kg as a goodish comp weight for me as long as the comp OF the weight ;-) -fat, muscle and bone is in good proportion!
Jan 2019
12:05pm, 13 Jan 2019
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Did a short session of squats at the gym with no 1 daughter this morning only 25kg but I’m getting down lower and concentrating on form. I ordered a pair of size 5 addidas from decathlon really difficult to find little sizes in lifting shoes that don’t cost a fortune.
Jan 2019
8:53am, 15 Jan 2019
168 posts
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I've been away for ages! Glad to see so many ladies still lifting...
I have finally got to the bottom of why I was finding my foot so painful when exercising - even bodyweight stuff was creating big pressure on my foot and making it really sore.
I have the very sexy injury of arthritis in my big toe with a lovely dorsal bunion ;)
How old do I feel?!

Steroid jab has helped but still need my bones fused...
Jan 2019
8:56am, 15 Jan 2019
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Ouch poor you! I think a small degree of arthritis in small joints is not uncommon? You don't have to be 'that' old!
Good to have you back anyway x
Jan 2019
9:06am, 15 Jan 2019
40,299 posts
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Are you still managing to do some lifting, Duracell?

I would advise getting opinions from more than one orthopaedic surgeon and exploring Dr Google before letting anyone take a saw to your foot.

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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