Ladies Who Lift...

1 lurker | 95 watchers
May 2017
8:53am, 2 May 2017
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Ooohhhh OK! Thanks Duracell!
May 2017
12:24pm, 2 May 2017
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Volume session today with PT

12 x 20kg
30 x 30kg
40 X 40kg
30 X 30kg

I am pretty chuffed I managed that! My grip is improving I managed to do 3 of the 8 reppers with 40kg before having to go to alternate grip
May 2017
7:41am, 4 May 2017
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Good progress Brig! I found deadlifts strangely addictive.

I've booked a PT session for Saturday - my last PT session was the first week in January before my life changed! I feel like I've lost a lot of what id developed but in reality I've missed 4 months of weekly sessions and hoping I can get back into a routine and do my own structured gym sessions. I really want to get back into it but may be limited in what chest/ upper body weights I can do with the internet producing all sorts of scenarios that can happen to the leads from my little box that sits on my chest wall. i reckon I can do a decent leg session anyway :)
May 2017
9:24am, 4 May 2017
55 posts
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Good Luck LouLou! Tour PT shpuld be able to shape your training to fit 😃
May 2017
8:12pm, 4 May 2017
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Push press. I am finding this very hard going! I know my shoulders are pretty feeble so hopefully this will improve but right now I feel a proper lightweight!
May 2017
8:45pm, 4 May 2017
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I'm a bit under the weather but I had a go at an event that needs strength, speed, flexibility and balance this evening. Completely new to me... the hammer!

It struck me that a kettlebell queen - like .B. would be really good at it. All that twirling a heavy metal object above your head!
May 2017
9:15pm, 4 May 2017
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Oohs I would love to have a go at hammer! How did it go?
May 2017
9:41pm, 4 May 2017
11,466 posts
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I've just blogged. Should have written more detail but I'm really tired.
May 2017
12:59pm, 6 May 2017
7,332 posts
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First PT session in 17 weeks today - back in a 60kg deadlifts and same for hip thrusts. Surprised myself at how good technique was and how relaxed it felt.

Another part of getting my life back :)
May 2017
2:22pm, 6 May 2017
11,469 posts
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Oh Lou that is so good to read. :-)

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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