Ladies Who Lift...

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Mar 2017
10:34am, 7 Mar 2017
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Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Do you always do the full Oly lifts SPR? We were discussing whether the full lifts are needed, at the weekend, for anyone other than Olympic lifters & Crossfitters.

MSC's a nice facility, bit like the tardis when you see it from the outside. Got some monster athletes there too from looking at the PB board.
Mar 2017
7:52pm, 7 Mar 2017
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I usually do the full lifts (or maybe power given it's based on how low you catch the weight). At MSC I do whatever the session is which usually ends with a full lift but may also start involve exercises to improve the lifts sometimes eg snatch balance which I use as a warmup now. On my own, I sometimes hang snatch, rarely hang clean. Rarely do the jerk without the clean but do clean without the jerk sometimes.

I have Olympic Weightlifting for Sports by Greg Everett which has this order for learning the lifts and says some athletes won't progress past hang and power offers best bang for buck.

- Hang Power Clean - Power Clean - Push Press - Power Jerk - Split Jerk - Hang Power Snatch - Power Snatch - Clean - Snatch

Definitely not necessary, but I enjoy doing it.
Mar 2017
9:12am, 8 Mar 2017
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Captain Malcolm Reynolds
No better reason for doing the full lifts than enjoying them.

The Greg Everett pathway is interesting, it's different to the way I was taught to teach them. I was taught to teach full snatch first by way of reverse chain then clean & jerk. The idea being if you can get the "more difficult" lift first the C&J comes easier & more quickly.
Mar 2017
10:32am, 8 Mar 2017
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MSC use that same teaching path. The clean was only added in January after snatch stuff from October to December.

The counter argument to that is does an athlete doing it just for sport even need to snatch? As you say it is the more difficult lift and is a lot more demanding on flexibility. Is there any benefit to using the snatch over the clean for athletes?

I taught myself to clean & jerk and I think if teaching yourself that's the easier lift to learn.
Mar 2017
11:19am, 8 Mar 2017
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Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Depends what area you're looking to benefit. The two lifts sit at different points on the force-velocity curve. As you know, the clean's a heavier lift, it works strength-speed area so I'd use that for a weaker athlete that wants to maintain speed. Snatch works speed-strength so I'd use that for a stronger, slower athlete thatvwants to get quicker. There's also the argument that the snatch developes greater power output in the second pull, so,it's worth using from that point of view. Snatch, especially from the high hang, is also worth using for people whose sports put their shoulders at risk, like fighters. Allows rate of force development & power output while reducing load & shearing force through the shoulder.

Teaching yourself to clean & jerk's impressive.
Mar 2017
7:00pm, 8 Mar 2017
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Speed was the only thing I could think off earlier, but wasn't sure how much difference that would make. Interesting on the other points and can see what you mean on fighters.

Thanks, certainly something I'm proud of doing given how technical it is. If I'd known all the learning progressions then and had Greg Everett's book, it would have been easier, lol (I think I did start with hang, the full clean, before adding jerks).
Mar 2017
9:32pm, 8 Mar 2017
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Mental note to self.....don't wait till last to clean😳😳😳😳
On a positive note it gave me a better example of technique as upper body was too weak from Bench, Lat Pull and shoulder press to make up for poor hip extension. 3 sets 8 reps 35kg, aiming to build to 40kg being comfortable and work on from there.

Clean is definitely one for me to work on.
Mar 2017
10:13pm, 8 Mar 2017
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That's a lot of reps for cleans.

I always do Olympic lifting first (when I first started I did them after squatting but it definitely affects the lifts) in singles, doubles or triples.
Mar 2017
10:15pm, 8 Mar 2017
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Occasionally do more lighter with technique focus.
Mar 2017
8:01am, 9 Mar 2017
7,283 posts
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I used a trap bar for deadlifts which made it easier to learn.

Missing my weights sessions - hoping to get back to them in June though nothing overhead and the doc seems reluctant to allow me to lift heavy things in case I dislodge a lead in my heart. Grrr.

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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