May 2023
11:24am, 3 May 2023
42,857 posts
beat me to it!
May 2023
11:56am, 3 May 2023
3,435 posts
Kittenheels Kath
Could I have "Knitting from the North"? Please, if it's still available?
May 2023
12:49pm, 3 May 2023
40,427 posts
Kk message your address
May 2023
8:08pm, 4 May 2023
3,462 posts
I’ll rehome ‘Simple knits for simple living’ if no one else wants
May 2023
8:57pm, 4 May 2023
16,647 posts
Remind me never to make a cardigan with several patterns on again 😖 knit a row, undo and try again !
May 2023
10:07pm, 4 May 2023
40,429 posts
Panad, no problem, drop me a message with your address
May 2023
8:20am, 7 May 2023
1,509 posts
MM - sounds challenging! Are you using life lines to help when you need to unpick?
May 2023
8:57am, 7 May 2023
16,667 posts
Have got pass the unpicking stage now thankfully - not sure I can explain this correctly. I am knitting a cardigan but it's one piece- front and back, it was when I was trying to get the pattern right on the two front sides. Al.ost finished that bit now. Then it's on to the sleeves - picking up all round the arms holes to start 😳
May put it down for a bit as grandson has asked for a snake for his birthday and that sounds a lot easier 🤭
May 2023
9:00am, 7 May 2023
31,265 posts
I have a long icord bind off to undo. I hoped it would be enough on its own to tame the stockinette curl, but really should have known better. Now need to ponder on how to finish this jumper.
May 2023
9:02am, 7 May 2023
42,930 posts
My top is almost finished Done a size smaller than the last time but looks as big Oh well