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Heart rate

301 watchers
Apr 2008
10:24am, 5 Apr 2008
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not sure about that Ian, am still really tierd, am finding it hard to get to sleep at night.

did a PMP run last night and was surprised at how high my HR was, thought that for a 5mile run it would have been around 75%. However, it was actually 80% so wasnt very happy.

I then put on my analysing hat and reminded myself that it was windy, the run was hilly, I was overdresses, the pace was actaully 7s/mile faster than PMP so all of those will have contributed.

I looked at a recent (ish) 20mile race and for the first 5miles of that my HR was actually a little higher and pacea a little slower and I managed to maintain that so dont feel so bad about it now.

I am starting to think that my high HR recently is down to stress and that perhaps I will be alright on the day. Also, I think my HR must be higher in races.

the reason I was initially really dissapointed with my run was cos I was comparing it to another run in march which was same distance, 25s/mile faster and HR 3beats per minute lower. that run was done just after the race. then when I looked at the race stats they were faily similar to yesterdays run so felt better!
Apr 2008
6:13pm, 5 Apr 2008
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Just had a good run this afternoon it was just over 4 miles but very satisfying

Split time Avg. HR
9:55 130 (60%)
9:39 136 (64%)
9:46 140 (66%)
9:40 141 (67%)
0:42 144 (69%)

39:43, 9:45 pace 64% whr
Apr 2008
7:57pm, 5 Apr 2008
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Well during my taper I worked on RHR last night, I got it down one beat!

Apr 2008
10:51am, 6 Apr 2008
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well done pammie, such good pace for such low HR. What is your plan for next sunday?
Apr 2008
2:32pm, 6 Apr 2008
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Thanks Hellen

Initially it was for 3:45 - that illusive (or is it ellussive GFA time) but due to lack of really long runs that isn't really pratical now
Last weekends half which i did last weekend of no taper, and holding myself back reckon i'm looking at 4hrs -4:15

Unless someone can tell me different.
Apr 2008
2:43pm, 6 Apr 2008
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Just been looking at your training actually pammie!!! it is all part of my anaysis paralasis or whatever that scary lion calls it!!!

As you prob know I have beeen obsessed with looking at my training and as OH says 'reading too much into it'. Have been getting stressed when runs have been rubbish etc. Anyway, my analysis has stretched to other people now (so watch out). After hearing about SarahL's storming PB at Paris have been looking at her pace and HR info. Its quite interesting cos her HR/ pace is not consistent, sometimes up, sometimes down. Pammie was my next victim as she has been having some really good low HR runs so was looking at that. I notice Pammie also is inconsistent, ie 65% is not always a pace of x but is a pace of x + or - quite a bit.

My reason for getting worked up about recent runs is that in the past 70% for me has always been 10.30/mile give or take 5 seconds. then I had a fairly rapid improvement to 10/mile but since then it has been all over the place so I worried that I was overtrianing/getting worse/ going to do rubbish next week.

However, my conclusion is, that it is normal to be all over the place with pace/HR so am less worried now, although, my 70% runs over the last few runs have been rubbish which is a bit of a concern.

Pammie, regarding your FLM time, when I was looking at your trianing I came to the conclusion that your recover runs are better than mine (ie prob a bit faster and at a lower HR), however, I did notice a lack of LSRs and noticed that on your LSRs. It is diff to compare those to mine as I tend to do mine 70-75% whereas you do your 70% but my pace has been faster than yours and I have done a lot more of them as well.

My target is around 4.15 so diff to say for your, you are better at the shorter recovery runs but I have more LSRs in the bank.
Apr 2008
8:58pm, 6 Apr 2008
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Its been very quiet on here lately, must be the taper for FLM...

Hellen, my runs are up and down all the time too. As long as I get pb in a race I dont mind.

Im sure you will get a pb at London as long as you relax, there's nothing you can do now aprt from taking it easy!

I did a 10k time trial today as suggested on the P&D schedule as I couldnt find a race anywhere near me. So did it tonight after work. I did 1.5 mile warm-up the 10k as fast as I could, dont think its as fast as I would be able to do in a proper race but still took 10secs off my pb.

Took me 43.35 for 10k, Average heart rate was 170bpm so about 85%. This was abit lower than my race which was 176bpm.

Im quite pleased with it as I hadnt tapered, had to run with my rucksack on and although I was meant to go as fast as I could, its not the same as a race for the adrenalin and just to generally push yourself as hard. My max heart rate today was only 178bpm compared to 187bpm on my last race. Virtual partner on my Garmin helped alot especially when he was beating me with a mile to go!

A few more hard weeks then the taper, which Im looking forward to at the moment!
Apr 2008
8:59pm, 6 Apr 2008
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eL Bee!
LSR for me today

5 miles at 10:229 pace :)

I'm SO ready for FLM :)
Apr 2008
9:26pm, 6 Apr 2008
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9 miles yesterday - 64% 10:00 pace.

6 miles just now. 1m warm up, 3 x 1m fast w/ 1m recovery.

1 - 7:20 - 79%
2 - 7:07- 82%
3 - 6:59 - 84%

All three were under 5k PB pace so very chuffed. My new hgher HR has made it very hard to get to 85% though. It has added 6bpm if indeed it was a correct reading.
Apr 2008
9:34pm, 6 Apr 2008
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Good work Lums.

eL Bee, good LSR, tapering well! What time you hoping for at FLM?

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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