Mar 2008
10:43pm, 16 Mar 2008
4,054 posts
3 m recovery for me tonight 9:44 pace, 67%. I am definately seeing a drop in HR at present. Looks like training is paying off!
Mar 2008
10:56am, 17 Mar 2008
398 posts
Well done Lums, got home late last night from the trip ooop North so opted for a lie in this morning. Back out tomorrow at 5.
Mar 2008
10:59am, 17 Mar 2008
2,911 posts
looking good lums, sub 70 sub 10 and you didnt just sneak under, you were way under, well done!
Mar 2008
11:00am, 17 Mar 2008
2,912 posts
just seen you are planning on doing abo lums, looks like we will meet again!!!
Mar 2008
12:49pm, 17 Mar 2008
4,058 posts
Yeeee-eeess about Abingdon, it's a kind of planny type plan thing. Not exactly got sign-off from Mrs L, and I intend to run like the wind at RNR a few weeks previously. Plus there is the Standalone 10k which is my local race and I suspect will be the subject of a certain amount of posturing, side-bets and testosterone charged challenges with Joopsy around then as well.
HOWEVER, on the train this morning I had time to reflect on the weekend and we ran 15miles with a short break at 8miles, and it was on an empty stomach with just 500ml of water. And it felt GOOD. Nice slow pace, but HR was lowest ever for that kind of run. And it did get me thinking about another 11.2m and a marathon medal!
Mar 2008
2:02pm, 17 Mar 2008
12,706 posts
Quite impressed by the way my fitness seems to be improving with regard to heart rate for a given effort.
Managed 3.11 miles in 00:24:55 08:01 at 61%WHR which is great considering I ran reasonably hard all weekend and raced yesterday.
Maybe this is an example of what can be achieved with a treadmill? I reiterate what I said earlier, maybe it's worth while some of you giving the treadmill a shot?
Good work Lums.
Mar 2008
2:07pm, 17 Mar 2008
4,059 posts
Treadmill bad. LOL. If I could get near one I would try it. But outside is so much closer at the moment.
Mar 2008
2:09pm, 17 Mar 2008
4,060 posts
I feel the need to rebel soon though. I haven't been told off by anyone on this thread for ages. At this rate I will train all year and get faster and faster - no where is the fun in that!?
Tempo tomorrow am - 1m warm up - 4m @ 8min pace, 2m warm down. Am mixing Hr training with the benefits of running with someone else (Joopsy) and it has reinvigorated me somewhat. Also 8mm is probably 85% for both of us.
Mar 2008
2:12pm, 17 Mar 2008
14,954 posts
Lums are you doing too much speedwork before getting your endurance base up to a decent level?
There you go.
Mar 2008
2:15pm, 17 Mar 2008
4,061 posts
No Hendo I am not. So there.
Am currently doing 1 LSR, 1 Speed session and 3 70% runs a week.
LSR 10-15m Speed 4-6m 70% runs totalling 12-14m
LSR's have bene under 70% so techincally I am doing around 19/20 70% miles and 6 m speed session