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Heart rate

301 watchers
Aug 2007
7:38am, 13 Aug 2007
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I think a Fetch Claxon would be the ideal method!

Went for 2 hour run at 6pm, tried a new route from the OS Map, really should have checked out the contours - 3 realy big, ong climbs and I was struggling big time. Maanged to keep HR to 74% but I was dying from 8 miles on. Hoping for 13 but stopped to walk for a bit at 10 miles as HR was hitting the 150s (80%). Did another mile but called it quits at 11.23miles - was totally spent. Saturdays speed session prbably didn't help and it was hot too, but still, was diasppointed that I literally conked out.

Still, 11 miles at 74%, and RHR was down to 52 this morning.
Aug 2007
8:13am, 13 Aug 2007
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you nad boy lums, a speed session followed by a grey area run, no wonder you were spent!!

last week wa cutback week so planned to do 10-12 for my LSR. decided that I would do it a bit faster than usual, not race pace but somewhere between MP and HMP. the prob I have though is that I am now used to my below 70% pace and could prob do that without looking at my garmin, I am also used to my 70-75% pace and can do intervals at a pace to nearly make myself sick. However, I am no good at anything inbetween as I dont do that sort of run!!!

Set off at what I thought was the right pace but was finding it quite tough in the heat and the wind. Decided to just do 5 miles at the faster pace then do the rest of the run at around LSR pace so effectively I had done a 5 mile tempo run and a very long cool down! I found the cool down (5.8miles) a real struggle, my legs just didnt want to run.

the first 5 miles was 8.55/mile HR 80% (this is 10secs slower than HM pace)
the total run was 10.8miles 9.30/mile HR 80%
The second 5.8miles were therefore at a very slow pace but for the same HR.
I often find this on interval sessions, that my cool down can be at a very slow pace but my HR is very high. does anyone else find this? On that 5.8mile cool down I stopped to stretch a few times (as an excuse to have a rest) my HR came down to well below 70% but as soon as I set off again (very slowely) the HR was right up to 80%.
Aug 2007
10:04am, 13 Aug 2007
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I thought 75% was ok for an LSR! But yes, it was two hard sessions in a row. I got a bit ahead of myself after doing 13 miles last week at 70% and under 9:00pace, followed by 7 miles the next day at the same. But it looks like I just had a fast week as haven't been able to repeat the feat since.

Having said that...as I had never been down those roads before I should have checked the profile - I was thrown completely as I wasn't expecting hills of this kind - I am sure Iwill benefit in the long run, as Luton is a hilly marathon. SO I will use the course again for LSR's

Aug 2007
10:09am, 13 Aug 2007
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eL Bee!
Lums - 75% *IS* ok for an LSR
But it is also a 'Hard' session
Aug 2007
10:13am, 13 Aug 2007
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lums, I meant you were bad doing two hard sessions on the trot, the hills will do you good though!
Aug 2007
10:15am, 13 Aug 2007
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eL Bee!
A Hilly marathon.....

Aug 2007
10:15am, 13 Aug 2007
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LOL, not to me TMW! just ask Two Towels - if it goes up a kerb, it's hilly to me!

Well, I will rest or cross train today. (Is Shiraz cross training?) Then Tuesday i am going to try and get along to the local running club, so likely a hard session, then easy on Weds.
Aug 2007
10:19am, 13 Aug 2007
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I find the same hellen, Once I have done the 85% stuff, it's a real struggle to keep the HR below 75%/80% on the warm down without walking.

8:55 for 5 miles at 80% is a good pace though - and if we know anything, it's that heat raises our HR's. I actually needed my LSR struggle I think to remind me that I have a lot of training still to do. I clearly got carried away with the fact i did 13 miles the other night, and basically assumed that 13m yesterday would be a walk in the park! In a sick way i almost enjoyed the challenge that I wanted to stop around 6-7 miles but had to do another 4 just to get home and to just plod it on.
Aug 2007
10:26am, 13 Aug 2007
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am contemplating some doubles this week!!! My aim for the week is 50 miles (current max 48.5miles 2 weeks ago). The only time I have done doubles was on holiday where I did 3 in the am and 2 in the pm because it was too hot to do any more than that. am thinking of going out soon for about 3 or 4 then this eve running to and from body pump like I did last week.
Aug 2007
10:27am, 13 Aug 2007
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would love to beable to do teh YF marathon. Was in that area of switzerland a couple of years ago at around the time it was on so lots of posters up for it. dont think I will ever do it though. When I have the hang of marathons I might give the seabank a go - my dad did that a few times and was 3rd in it one year.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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