Dec 2017
8:29pm, 5 Dec 2017
1,818 posts
Top running TPH.
I am regressing a bit in my sub LT paces. Tonight I did another hour at 82%, lap times were 9:07 8:25 8:31 8:41 8:42 8:44 8:48, so slower than last week, although I think it may have something to do with being in a hot hotel gym. I do ememeber that when Maff training, I got slower before I started to see improvement, so not too concerned when only just beginning. Another 46 miles last week, working away a lot doesn't help with consistent miles. I am definitely less fatigued doing this than fewer miles and a traditional club track session, which I find takes a lot of recovery, either through lack of fitness or just old age.
Dec 2017
2:32pm, 6 Dec 2017
30 posts
Heat will defo mean that your pace per heart rate is reduced - it takes extra "aerobic effort" to keep you cool (not surprising looking at your avatar dog named dill!). Individual efforts of course go up and down depending on all sorts of stuff so you cannot tell anything based on the last run or so.
Anyway I think I should heed your practice on missing the track sessions - I think I will now need at least a week off to shake off my knee issues which I think were largely caused by track efforts and accelerations and using some less cushioned trainers (double whammy?).....
Dec 2017
11:48am, 9 Dec 2017
616 posts
Right, have started HADD training from Monday.
Mon pm 40 mins 70% Mon eve 55 mins 75% Tue 90 mins 75%
Wed 60 mins 70% Thu 60 mins 70% Sat 85 mins inc. 7 miles 80%
Mon evening was tough, I ran with my running mates up a big hill and back. Keeping it under 75% was tough as everyone slowly running away from me. The way back I had company though. I ran to work with a mate on Tuesday, again tough keeping it all sub 75% but just about managed it. Today was a bit icy but I wanted to do my first sub LT run. I think I averaged 7:38 per mile for the 7 miles in the middle around 80% average. I need to set up an alert for HR as its easy to stray a few beats higher or drift lower.
Early days but good to start it, hopefully get out for another 90 mins tomorrow at some point.
Dec 2017
10:11pm, 9 Dec 2017
843 posts
Daz Love
Good work Brunski šš
Dec 2017
10:49am, 11 Dec 2017
31 posts
Nice week Brunski!
I am still struggling with my knee. My own fault for not giving a good rest to it and then pounding around a bit too fast. The weeks stats again too low mileage and too fast in parts:
WK8 Dist Time Pace/k Pace/m BPM Efficiency- beats/k and b/m 04/12/2017 9.6 0:52:16 00:05:27 00:08:46 138 751 1209 05/12/2017 6.6 0:41:04 00:06:13 00:10:01 132 821 1322
8.62 0:56:28 00:06:33 00:10:32 134 878 1412 Track 06/12/2017 R E S T 07/12/2017 R E S T 08/12/2017 R E S T 09/12/2017 3.83 0:20:36 00:05:23 00:08:39 140 753 1212
5.04 0:23:05 00:04:35 00:07:22 152 696 1120 10/12/2017 10.3 0:57:05 00:05:33 00:08:56 138 766 1232 TOTAL 44 4:10:34 00:05:42 00:09:10 167 950 1529
Dec 2017
12:54pm, 17 Dec 2017
630 posts
Another week of mainly easy running.
Mon 40 mins 70% 50 mins 70-75% Tue 90 mins 75%
Weds 50 mins 70% Thu 60 mins inc 40 mins shuttling between 80-89% Fri 60 mins 70% Sat 90 mins inc parkrun @ 141bpm (82%) average
Sun 85 mins 70%
Dec 2017
1:22pm, 17 Dec 2017
702 posts
Good going Brunski.
Iām up to 60 miles for the week with 2 sub LT runs. Iām going to nudge up the mileage over the next 8 weeks keeping with the 2 sub LT runs, before replacing one with the odd tempo/interval session to sharpen up in the last 6 weeks before the marathon.
Dec 2017
3:26pm, 17 Dec 2017
631 posts
Nice one puzzler, sounds pretty much what I'm planning too.
Not sure whether to do a Hadd tests soon, where you run 1200m at HR ranges.
What sort of HRs would you suggest for the test? My max is around 165bpm.
Something like:
120 130 140 150 160
Or is that going too high?
Dec 2017
5:38pm, 17 Dec 2017
32 posts
I woud say too high. I thought the test was normally 1.5 miles but I cut it down to two k. My max is 180 and I am trying 125 135 145 155 and 165 but top end is hard. In the original thing joes max was 193 and he did 130 140 150 160 170 (I think off top of my head)
Dec 2017
5:53pm, 17 Dec 2017
632 posts
Nice one, cheers tph, yes you're right I thought 1200 was a bit short to properly measure it!
I'll probably go to the track and do either 2k, or 2,400 at each of 115 - 125 - 135 - 145 - 155.