Apr 2015
9:15am, 22 Apr 2015
491 posts
Shred Betty
Great Blog Sam!
Apr 2015
12:14pm, 22 Apr 2015
2,008 posts
Lol nelly
Apr 2015
12:20pm, 22 Apr 2015
60 posts
Nice Nelly. Thinking just about ready for parkrun sat with my kids. Slow and steady order of the day
Apr 2015
12:37pm, 22 Apr 2015
61 posts
Sam wow great blog. I definately would not be able write as well as you. One thing I saw is problem with injuries. You could try a lower mileage training plan. I used this year and last the Run Less Run Faster training plan. 3 runs a week and 2 non impact (I used exercise bike). Being 6ft2, heavy set, I weighed in at 16st and feared 30-50 miles a week would do for my knees. Shifted a stone in Jan-Feb and kept to the plan. I loathed the bike and sessions were far harder than the runs (which i enjoyed). Some people think you will lack stamina with lower mileage but i guess we are all different. I got round in 3hr45m (which i am chuffed with) and I am not a fast runner at any distance. If you are going do another marathon i would recommend at least looking at this option. Not for everyone but also easier time wise to fit in with real life
Apr 2015
12:48pm, 22 Apr 2015
2,435 posts
Spanners - your post has reminded me of the highlight of my day, I can't believe I forgot to mention it in my blog... I was stood at about the 26mile mark cheering in some of the ~5hr marathoners with my 5-year old son, when the lady stood next to me noticed my medal on my son, and asked him if he'd run the marathon... "No, but I want to do it next year with daddy"
Apr 2015
1:00pm, 22 Apr 2015
16,434 posts
My five year old wants to do a marathon with me! He's never been taken to watch me at one. How did your lad find spectating?
Apr 2015
1:14pm, 22 Apr 2015
2,436 posts
He was ok, I think, but it wasn't a typical spectating experience as he walked out of our front door and 250m to the end of the road at 10:15 to watch me run past at 11 and 14miles, then got the Metrolink to the finish. He only had to wait 45mins at the finish and apparently was getting a little fidgety and anxious they'd missed me by the time I did arrive.
Apr 2015
1:15pm, 22 Apr 2015
2,437 posts
He was ok, I think, but it wasn't a typical spectating experience as he walked out of our front door and 250m to the end of the road at 10:15 to watch me run past at 11 and 14miles, then got the Metrolink to the finish. He only had to wait 45mins at the finish and apparently was getting a little fidgety and anxious they'd missed me by the time I did arrive.
Apr 2015
2:26pm, 22 Apr 2015
2,010 posts
great blog Sam - a reminder of why marathons are so good and how lucky we are to run them - sounds like you had a good time, well apart from the pain
Apr 2015
8:42pm, 22 Apr 2015
13 posts
Cheers everyone! Thanks for the training tips Spanners - if I decide to do another I will definitely look at everything again re training and reassess how to make things work. Still, I do feel fortunate just to have finished, and lucky like Jono says that I am fit enough to run them. Thanks Shred Betty too! I'm recovering really well, suppose I expected to feel the pain afterwards but at least it's a good kind of pain and not like before the marathon when an injured knee made me miserable!