Feb 2013
3:35pm, 27 Feb 2013
13,748 posts
"surprisingly in one couple it was the man who shut up shop".
Doesn't surprise me at all if the man was present at the birth of the child.
Feb 2013
3:43pm, 27 Feb 2013
6,849 posts
What Wobbling said.
As an aside (but inspired by what W posted)... has anyone seen the movie Amour yet?
Feb 2013
3:47pm, 27 Feb 2013
6,887 posts
If my libido ever diminishes you guys will be the first to know, I get a real boost from knowing a load of strangers on an internet forum are discussing my intimate details.
Feb 2013
3:47pm, 27 Feb 2013
4,358 posts
I've seen Amour. V Good film even it leaves feeling a little emotionally drained
Feb 2013
4:00pm, 27 Feb 2013
7,510 posts
I have a small confession.
I work for the pharmaceutical company that invented the product that loosened female libidos. It had sat on the laboratory shelf for years because the previous executive management board didn't think there was any real medical need for a drug to treat Female HSDD. (Hyposexual Desire Disorder)
Then they changed a number of the senior executive bods, and the new younger breed decided there were literally billions of women around the world who would love to be gagging for it except that (a) they didn't care and (b) they were really distressed that they didn't care. Soon we would all be RICH with sales of the latest massive blockbuster drug.
Fortunately the regulatory authorities saw a bit of sense and didn't give us a licence. Yes I know I am employed by them but honestly I am very proud of the stuff we make now, and I am not too sure I could be proud of that. It would be horribly misused.
Feb 2013
4:01pm, 27 Feb 2013
5,757 posts
Thanks Joopsy, keep us informed.
Feb 2013
4:02pm, 27 Feb 2013
7,511 posts
Feb 2013
4:05pm, 27 Feb 2013
24,017 posts
I'm a bit resistant to the idea that anyone should be made to feel they OUGHT to be having sex or OUGHT to be having more sex and that if not then there's "something wrong". As OysterBoy pointed out earlier, it's about choice and there are times in every relationship where there are other priorities for one or both partners.
Feb 2013
4:09pm, 27 Feb 2013
5,456 posts
The Teaboy
In fact, relationships can be made stronger if both partners are understanding of the natural waxings and wanings of each others libidos...
Feb 2013
4:11pm, 27 Feb 2013
3,642 posts
I think there is a little bit of a sense of ought though Jen, because it is a shared activity (hopefully, most of the time ) in a relationship.
Whilst obviously everyone has the right to say they don't want to have sex and that needs to be respected, it isn't really something that should be viewed as a purely personal choice as it has implications for their partner and that should not be ignored either.