Giving up sex?

1 lurker | 85 watchers
Nov 2013
1:26pm, 14 Nov 2013
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I made it to 15 years the first time too. And got beaten around the head with the fact in court. "In most cases we would regard [my XH's] financial demands as unreasonable and excessive, but we have to bear in mind that this was a FIFTEEN YEAR MARRIAGE."
Nov 2013
1:30pm, 14 Nov 2013
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Oops- that wasn't frobester: it was Discovery Dave. never mind, you probably both need the mind bleach niow, anyway :-)
Nov 2013
1:49pm, 14 Nov 2013
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18 years and counting for me and Mrs T, 22 yrs together, not without its problems, but still together, still faithful and still happy
Nov 2013
1:53pm, 14 Nov 2013
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Back on the sex topic, and the giving up thereof... I had a vasectomy on Monday, so I'm very much in the (only temporarily, hopefully) giving up stage. It wasn't too bad tbh (bar the burning smell!) but the ever persistent kicked in the balls feeling is still strong. I'm looking forward to at least feeling up to some shenanigans soon!
Nov 2013
2:01pm, 14 Nov 2013
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Take away the pain, leave the swelling!!
Nov 2013
2:07pm, 14 Nov 2013
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Be careful Emdee, I have just had it done for a second time. The first time it was done when we decided to stick at three kids, we now have four.
Nov 2013
2:08pm, 14 Nov 2013
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Nick Cook
28 years for me and Mrs C. We've had our ups and downs but get on ok now. She's given up the sex but let's me 'do it' every now and again, but it's not making love. I can't really be bothered to make the effort to have an affair, because I don't want us to split up, so just have to put up with it. (Even if I could find someone who wanted to have an affair!)
Nov 2013
2:13pm, 14 Nov 2013
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Mrs Winded has instructed me to say "18 glorious years" - the truth is I can never remember how long we have been together or married; I know most people like to use time as a yard stick but I don't pay much attention because I don't really care.

Being married is better than not being married. I'm very happy we are together and struggle to imagine what life would be like without her but for me it's a binary thing. The time elapsed seems irrelevant to me.
Nov 2013
2:13pm, 14 Nov 2013
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Joopsy - yep, will have to make sure I get the all clear - late Feb at the earliest I think.
Nov 2013
2:18pm, 14 Nov 2013
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Northern Exile
Agh, vasectomies, don't get me started. I had mine done at the naval hospital in Portsmorth. Apparently anaesthetics are reserved for the civilian population and I regret to say that the navy had not [then] advanced from the "Two House Brick" method.

I couldn't speak properly for weeks, much less walk.

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Here's a stupid, risky and possibly inappropriate subject for a thread but what the heckins. I chec...

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