May 2015
9:31am, 7 May 2015
4,066 posts
Hope you have a great race Jude x
May 2015
7:03pm, 7 May 2015
10,371 posts
Thanks V x
May 2015
10:55pm, 7 May 2015
5,414 posts
isn't that just typical. Mine is due for my marathon, why oh why - have we not been through enough
May 2015
10:00am, 8 May 2015
4,067 posts
mine has been coming for over a week, premenstrual, grumpy and cramps....just hurry up, last was 2.5 years ago and this is killing me....not even a hard run is helping.... Which marathon KP? You are in great shape, hope you have a good one x
May 2015
10:15am, 8 May 2015
1,398 posts
Good luck Jude, you will be fab
May 2015
12:36pm, 8 May 2015
10,372 posts
2.5 years V?????! Wowsers!
Feeling tad better today. Last run with heavy legs this morning. Off to consume carbs
May 2015
3:34pm, 8 May 2015
8,403 posts
I don't like my physiotherapist anymore. In addition to all my other back exercises, he now wants me to add in there some planks. grrrrrrrr.
May 2015
5:18pm, 8 May 2015
5,415 posts
Edinburgh mummyv can't wait. 😄
May 2015
1:07pm, 9 May 2015
4,068 posts
oh cool, Edinburgh is definitely on my to-do list!! Have a great one. Yes Jude, had about 6 periods in the last 7 years so it's not something I remember much of....had none between no1 and 2 and not many before no3, none since having him just yet....I'm usually both BF and on the mini pill and that (for me) means no periods
May 2015
4:56pm, 9 May 2015
5,416 posts
thanks, I think it's my 8th time I am so lazy staying local but it helps being near home with the kids doesn't it. Really looking forward to it.
Another wee PB today, went sub 22 at 5KM (just) (quiet *yay*)