Jul 2014
7:30am, 19 Jul 2014
11,444 posts
Looking forward to being on this thread in a little while too!
Jul 2014
1:15pm, 19 Jul 2014
438 posts
We have an old version baby jogger too. Very long but does the job...
Jul 2014
5:52pm, 19 Jul 2014
184 posts
Thanks for the tips ladies
Jul 2014
8:29pm, 19 Jul 2014
1,618 posts
I've lost my running mojo
After the cancelled race due to chicken pox it didn't seem worth entering anything again as life is very unpredictable with a wee one... but then without anything on the horizon I am struggling to find purpose to my runs... hmm....
Jul 2014
8:52pm, 19 Jul 2014
5,025 posts
can you maybe make a wee park run?
Jul 2014
9:20pm, 19 Jul 2014
1,619 posts
yes, I would like to parkrun... but the prob is that saturday morning is my one chance to lie in... so when it comes to it I just never want to get up.
However, the boy has just started sleeping through (only four or five nights so far but it's very welcome, after 10.5months)... if this becomes a regular thing then i won't be quite so desperate for those lie ins and might make an effort to parkrun
Jul 2014
9:24pm, 19 Jul 2014
5,026 posts
It's really hard isn't it? What about the Forth Bridge 10k? Are there any evening ones coming up? Knockhill? That's an evening and just shy of 4M. I could meet you there and have a mummy run - if I can keep up?
Jul 2014
9:48pm, 31 Jul 2014
1,620 posts
I'm up for the forth bridges - I hear it's now late October.
Will look into knockhill.... See if I can find the date.
Since I last posted I've managed to set up a Monday night run with two women from my baby group - right now it's the only run I'm doing most weeks but it's better than nothing!
Jul 2014
10:47pm, 31 Jul 2014
3,984 posts
it all counts Lyns, well done!
Aug 2014
7:36pm, 11 Aug 2014
367 posts
Diastasis Recti post pregnancy, anyone had it or know anything about it? I'm struggling to get any advice on it and what, if anything I need to do about it. So in pregnancy I had a massive ridge thingy down the centre of my stomach when I sat up. I understood this was quite normal and that it should close after with time and the right type of exercises. I cracked on with the light exercises in the leaflet I was given when I left hospital after the birth and when I stick my fingers in between my abs and do a little sit up now it's still about a 2 cm gap when I just lift my head but closes quite a lot more if I sit all the way up. I'd been told that 2cm or less wouldn't result in any problems but still have ongoing pelvic pain and also a ridge sticking out of my belly when I sit back, but not forward as it was during pregnancy. I've had so much mixed advice from feel free to do full abs exercises to don't do any till the gap has closed, and that the gap is contributing towards the pelvic pain or that the two are not linked because it is the deeper core muscles that are responsible for stabilizing the pelvis.
Currently having a bit of a loss of exercise mojo, and the post pregnancy body issues are getting me down a bit Trying to practice acceptance on that one but would love to be buggy running with my boy.