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Getting data from Strava to Fetch using an iPad or iPhone

7 watchers
Feb 2016
10:54pm, 21 Feb 2016
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Nope. Still nothing. I think the conclusion is that this doesn't work. Hopefully the nice Mr Fetch will be able to shed some light on why the import routine isn't picking any of my new activities up from GC...
Mar 2016
10:02am, 8 Mar 2016
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Two weeks later, I'm still on the case...
I've managed to speak to a (nice and friendly) help desk chap at Garmin who'd never even heard of Fetch. Not a good sign.

I'm currently in contact with Ian to see if we can get to the bottom of why this doesn't work.
I understand this works for many of you so I'd like to know what it is about my set up that stops Garmin Connect telling FE about my new activiies...
I've asked Ian for details of any technical contacts he has at Garmin.
I'll keep you posted.
Mar 2016
10:45am, 8 Mar 2016
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I had similar problems and had to manually change the privacy settings to visible for past workouts and also change the default setting so that all future workouts were automatically uploaded. The past workouts one could be altered by a Python script, but I never got around to writing one as it would take too long, my Python is sketchy, and the chance of getting it wrong and messing up my data seemed too high.

Instead I just rely on the three way triangulation from Garmin to strava and from strava to Fetch. So my device is Vivoactive, I call the Garmin connect app on my Iphone up and sync via bluetooth. At that point Garmin syncs to strava strava syncs to Fetch, and for the past 6 months this has been 99% flawless. It was a fiddle to setup, but now it works, it is painless, turn on bluetooth, sync and bingo.
Mar 2016
3:45pm, 8 Mar 2016
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Thanks for you input Chrisull...Strava syncs to Fetch? This is my primary objective, I'm only going via Garmin Connect as I was led to believe that was the only automated route into FE...Please please tell me more...
Mar 2016
4:11pm, 8 Mar 2016
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Oops - perhaps I've got it the wrong way round, hastily backtracks, that it's Garmin that syncs with both Fetch and Strava. However I do feel this is solvable, it was a right pain for me to set it up. What Garmin device are you using?
Mar 2016
10:45pm, 8 Mar 2016
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I'm not using a Garmin device. All I'm trying to do is get actvities from strava to Fetch. There isn't a direct route but I was told that a third party app (Tapiriik) synced between strava and Garmin Connect and that from there Garmin Connect would pass them on to Fetch.

The Tapiriik part is working so I can get from strava to Garmin Connect. But the last part from Garmin Connect to Fetch doesn't work in this scenario. I've checked permissions etc.

Am I really the only one to try this?
Mar 2016
11:31pm, 8 Mar 2016
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I think you might be! It's possible that GC doesn't push out activities which didn't come in from a Garmin device in the first place. Might be to do with how Tapiriik sends them to GC in the first place.
Mar 2016
10:03am, 9 Mar 2016
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Ok any ideas why Garmin Connect to Fetch doesn't work? Is it because it requires a Garmin device that some how facilitates the transfer? Garmin exposes its data via an API, so I'm guessing it does some sort of push to Fetch. If the lack of a Garmin device is what is somehow not triggering this push, it should be able to do it programmatically or via a script I'm guessing (I've already done some stuff with Python scripts to change permissions on Garmin)
Mar 2016
10:27am, 9 Mar 2016
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If that's the case, it would mean that Fetch is for Garmin (or other wearable manufacturers?) users only...
Does anyone else use Fetch without a Garmin?
Mar 2016
12:07pm, 9 Mar 2016
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There are people using Suuntos, Timex, and Polar watches. You can upload their files either singly or in bulk in a zip file, or using FE's own API if you put your mind to it - see http://www.fetcheveryone.com/training-import-zip.php and http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=529 (think I supported TCX and SML in that).

strava doesn't do push to other sites AFAIK. It does have an API so you could with a bit of creativity pull data from it and push it to FE (it would be tedious because the API doesn't expose a format that FE can directly upload, last time I looked).

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Is it possible?

I tracked a walk today using the strava app on my iPhone and I would like to uplo...
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