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Foot Fetish

1 lurker | 7 watchers
Jun 2014
5:01pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Frobester - ouch to right foot :-( No running? Really?? :-( It's worth consulting a podiatrist re bunions, mine was very helpful in that he made a wedge for my running shoes which did help a bit, not sure that would actually help you though.

Fitz, treatments do change and you also need to bear in mind that there are various different issues caused by bunions so an op for me which I am told will not require my feet to be in plaster may not be the same as the op your wife would require, mine us a straightforward removal of excess bone, toes although they have moved are not affected by arthritis so won't need to be pinned. Maybe your wife ought to ask to be referred to a specialist so she gets the correct advise, worth a try then she can make a considered choice.
Jun 2014
5:02pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Jun 2014
6:37pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Thanks for that. Yes, first step (ho ho) will be to get specialist advice. Hope yours goes well, looking forward to the bloggage.
Jun 2014
11:32am, 3 Jun 2014
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Mrs Jigs, as luck would have it I'm seeing a podiatrist tonight, so I'll ask her about bunions and what she recommends. Thanks for the advice.
Jun 2014
12:37pm, 3 Jun 2014
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Jun 2014
9:53am, 4 Jun 2014
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Update. And it's good news. I have orthotics inserts for my shoes now (fits my office shoes and my running shoes), and I can really feel them making a difference to my foot posture.
On the subject of bunions, my podiatrist said "leave well alone unless you're in constant pain" - which I'm not. There are wedges or inserts or something short of surgery I can do to slightly alter the alignment of my big toe whilst I'm running, but there's no guarantee surgery would work, and even if it did, there's a chance it could transfer problems to the next toe along.
Back to the inserts, we also had a long discussion about shoe types (she was at a conference recently where a statistic was given showing a 92% increase in foot and leg injuries as a direct result of people wearing Nike Free shoes), and forefoot striking versus heel striking, and how (yes this isn't rocket science but some seem to assume it will work for everyone) if you've been heel striking all your life, don't expect to revise your gait to forefoot strike without the possibility of foot injury. Eyes wide open and all that. I wasn't considering it, she was just really telling me about an increase in clients she's seeing now with complaints of foot problems after trying out forefoot striking after having been heel striking all their previous running life. Interesting stuff.
Jun 2014
9:30am, 9 Jun 2014
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How's everyone else's ailments coming along?
Jun 2014
4:08pm, 17 Jun 2014
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
hey, I forgot about this thread! How are you getting on with the orthotics Frobester? Good news that you don't need to have your bunion removed, just as I said, if it doesnt hurt leave it be :-)

Interesting about the gait change discussion, Jigs showed me an article on that recently, I know I don't run as efficiently as Jigs does as he naturally has more of a forefoot strike as opposed to my mid foot/heel strike but I have always been of the opinion that if aint broke why fix it? I don't think the way I run seems to be doing me any harm, I am happy with my times and apart from these dratted bunions I don't have any major issues/injuried generally speaking.

Just over 2 weeks until my surgery now, yikes! :-O
Jun 2014
9:35am, 18 Jun 2014
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The orthotics are working, Mrs Jigs! Feeling lots better, really positive now, like there's a light approaching somewhere in the tunnel, and hopefully it's not a train, but the end of the tunnel!! I managed a gentle jog the other day (oh alright then, a mad dash to pick up something from home one of the kids forgot...) and there was no pain either during or after. Which is good.

Totally with you about not fixing something which isn't broken - and realising that not everything works for everyone.

Good luck for 2 weeks' time...
Jun 2014
9:39am, 18 Jun 2014
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Nick Cook
I'm disappointed everytime I come in to this thread!

About This Thread

Maintained by Hills of Death (HOD)
As a few of us (if not all of us) have problems with our feet from time to time I think it's a good...
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