Jul 2013
3:48pm, 26 Jul 2013
2,321 posts
Jovi Runner
I should add that initially it felt like the pain was on the bottom of my foot but then the top - it was so sore it was actually hard to tell at times where the main pain was emmanating from.
Jul 2013
3:50pm, 26 Jul 2013
2,364 posts
x-rays do not always show up stress fractures so it may have been missed. MRI should so Morton's Neuroma....it might be the next step.
Jul 2013
3:50pm, 26 Jul 2013
2,322 posts
Jovi Runner
different people get different recommendations for stress fracture. My doc slapped me in a foot plaster for 3 weeks and then I was on crutches for a few days and then gradually built up walking for an hour over the course of the next 3 weeks and then started back running. I was fortunate in that I got back to running very quickly. I do think it was the immobilisaiton of the foot in the plaster that helped - that and getting a reasonably quick diagnosis.
Jul 2013
3:51pm, 26 Jul 2013
2,323 posts
Jovi Runner
tom - I think thats why a&e probably missed it. I got a letter from the hospital saying a consultant (radioloigst?) had been examining the x rays and having had another look it was a stress fracture. I was quite impressed actually as I had the x ray in the royal London (asit happened during VLM) and they wrote to my local hospital and GP to request I go back to my local hospital.
Jul 2013
5:16pm, 26 Jul 2013
6,580 posts
Sounds very similar Jovi it hurts in ball of foot but triggers pain in top. When I'm resting top of foot is just sore. After doc prodded it is killing this afternoon. I've had injuries in my foot before but this feels like the bone hurts not just the foot I've not had this type of pain before. Also it feels hot, not too much to touch it if that makes any sense at all.
And once I get on walking on it it does feel bit better but it gives me hell when I stop.
Not sure what I can do though I guess wait for Physio to assess. Will try to book privately