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Foot Fetish

7 watchers
Jun 2014
1:44pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Do tell, Mrs Jigs. My missus has a major bunion (big toe making a dash for freedom by attempting to climb over its neighbours) - she hates it but has always been put off doing anything about it by tales of weeks in plaster and months in flat comfy shoes.
Jun 2014
2:22pm, 2 Jun 2014
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what can you do for bruised toes? I can't sleep on my front at the moment because it hurts my big toes to put pressure on the nails . . . and I'm not even going to mention how manky my second toes are at the moment
Jun 2014
3:16pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Frobester I think you are pretty close! :-O
Fitz I plan to blog ALL the gory details day by day!

Jun 2014
3:20pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Oh no! I thought it was some sort of spiritual, well-person healing using homeopathy and laying on of hands until the bunion disappeared! All to the sound of some isolation tank-type whale music.
So it's some stressed-out 28-year old surgeon on his way to a heart operation, who's just found a rusty hacksaw and a friendly anaesthetist? Gulp! I've got a bunion....
Jun 2014
3:37pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Then I shall watch your blog and relay the gory details to the missus! Hope it goes well, fingers crossed (and toes uncrossed, hopefully!)
Jun 2014
3:40pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Not quite a 28 year old, but a recently retired orthopaedic surgeon who now does a couple of days a week at the private hospital, where luckily for me they also treat NHS patients :-) Can't say I am looking forward to it but they are restricting my running so they have to go.
Jun 2014
3:44pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Good luck, and, like Fitz, I'll be following your blog, seeing as it's something on my left foot I really should sort out (to go with the completely separate issues on my right foot!).
Jun 2014
3:52pm, 2 Jun 2014
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
I would say thay if it isn't causing you any pain Frobester I would leave it be, I have had mine for a long time and its only been a real pain since January. What's up with your right foot?

Fitz, same advice for your wife, if it's not an issue for her why have surgery? I guess she has consulted a podiatrist/GP?
Jun 2014
3:59pm, 2 Jun 2014
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It doesn't cause me pain per se, Mrs Jigs, but it forces my toes to do all kinds of weird things in the shoe over long distances (13 miles and further) and results in blisters, sometimes of the blood variety. I just wonder how much better things could be without the bunion, but if you're saying it's better to leave well alone, I'll give that some thought.
Right foot I have tendonitis in the tibial tendon. Physio has suggested contrast baths and basically no running for the foreseeable, plus walking in supportive shoes.
Jun 2014
4:47pm, 2 Jun 2014
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"Fitz, same advice for your wife, if it's not an issue for her why have surgery? I guess she has consulted a podiatrist/GP?"

Not an issue in itself - certainly not causing pain - but she hates not being able to wear nice open-toe sandals and so on, because she's very self-conscious of it. She saw a GP many years ago (when it was much less of a bunion than it is now) who scared her off with warnings of weeks in plaster and months of flat shoes.

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Maintained by Hills of Death (HOD)
As a few of us (if not all of us) have problems with our feet from time to time I think it's a good...
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