Sep 2020
7:28am, 17 Sep 2020
11,115 posts
Little Nemo
20 days of bug squishing and received my 5000 points badge today My highest score is 11000+ but that was with a very lucky traffic light on the RideLondon route, can't see me beating that again.
Well done, Snoot 12 bugs in one go is epic!
Sep 2020
8:25am, 17 Sep 2020
402 posts
Thanks Nemo. Now to try and stay bug free!!
Sep 2020
1:33pm, 17 Sep 2020
11,117 posts
Little Nemo
It's hard work but the 200 points a day makes it very worthwhile.
I've got 9 days to go for 30 days bug free and another badge
Sep 2020
5:15pm, 17 Sep 2020
9,939 posts
Buf Free for 2 days on the trot but only 400 points a day - I'm never going to break 25K at this rate. I need the ring!
Sep 2020
7:05pm, 17 Sep 2020
203 posts
Hurrah! 10,000 badge finally achieved. 24 days bug free too - although should have checked the dates as next week's few days planned minibreak away with my wife might now have more walking than planned - lets hope the bug locations aren't too random as otherwise I might not be too popular!
Sep 2020
8:01pm, 17 Sep 2020
6,913 posts
I don't think I've ever managed a 400 day - not convinced it's regularly possible for anyone with a high density of others and no chance to cultivate flower fields.
Sep 2020
8:06pm, 17 Sep 2020
9,942 posts
Hey Sally, I have a density of 2 or 3 and can get 200 (plus the bug bonus) with a bit of work with a 10K run. You have to hoover up the gems and run through your neighbours bugs but it’s quite possible.
Sep 2020
8:12am, 18 Sep 2020
4,350 posts
My score has plummeted. At the start of lockdown I was managing to clear my bug everyday and get reasonable points to take me to the dizzy heights of 10000. Now that lockdown has eased and some days I have other reasons to get me out of the house, plus going back to club (out of circle), I am no longer bug free every day. As a consequence my score has dropped to around 4000.
Sep 2020
3:03pm, 18 Sep 2020
1,463 posts
Shortcut Cam
Well done Snail
Sep 2020
3:13pm, 18 Sep 2020
6,916 posts
Hi CW - yes, I think you're right if I covered 10km+ each day and planned my route around infecting all available bugs and higher value gems - I could argue I'm not dedicated enough but I already spend around an hour each day (am only walking at the moment) and am delighted if I break 300 (including bug bonus) for minimum 3km, max about 8. I am realising how lucrative traffic lights can be too. Today's route should see me get about 50 more points in bug infections and low value gems, plus some flower watering if I'm lucky (and rent if I'm even luckier!).