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FetchPoint: The Game

285 watchers
Oct 2018
3:37pm, 16 Oct 2018
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I gains value each time you successfully water up to a max value of 20
Oct 2018
4:11pm, 16 Oct 2018
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Thanks DocMoye. I had thought it would be one day elapsing but random is just sort of cruel.😈 (Yes, from 1 point, to 9 points to 17 points to 20.) From what I've encountered, it seems 1 week is long enough to guarantee the watering?
Oct 2018
4:17pm, 16 Oct 2018
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Yes I think your right.
Oct 2018
4:18pm, 16 Oct 2018
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It's been a while since this question came up but you're broadly right. If I recall correctly the chances of watering are 1/7 the day after planting, 2/7 the next day and so on until you are guaranteed after a week. Each time you water a flower 'its' clock resets.

You should also remember that flowers cannot be further watered once the value hits 20. This means that if they get to 20 within the first two weeks of original planting then they will die (of overwatering!) before they can be harvested.
Oct 2018
2:41am, 17 Oct 2018
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Thanks CumbriAndy!

Nothing else in the game is random as to whether you get/act on an item so this has caught me a little by surprise. It does help in the situation of going through the same area multiple times and not leading to overwatering as quickly. But then why have overwatering and dying, though realistic? Therefore the consequences of an activity in terms of the flowers watering is unpredictable. If I run the same route every six days for example, I'd like to be know that all 7 flowers, for example would be watered, not 6. If I get back and found that the 4th flower wasn't watered and I had gone a mile extra just to water that one then I would feel disheartened.

As Oranj wrote somewhere in the forum he just doesn't vary the route anymore and worry about overwatering, based on DapperDan (https://www.fetcheveryone.com/viewtopic.php?id=48002&page=2209):

"...With flowers, I had a change of tactic this year, it was what Dapperdan was doing that made me realise (he lives on the coast so can't change his routes much and overwaters all his flowers). I stopped worrying about overwatering flowers and instead just keep going over the same routes, with slight variations so new flowers aren't planted quite in step with previous plantings.

When you think about it, a flower is worth 20 points when you harvest it after 6 weeks, which you lose if you overwater it in the first 2 weeks - it just dies - but that's just a third of the value you get from planting and watering it: 1+7+9+17+20 = 54. So I've concentrated on the latter. At this time of year, other Fetchies occasionally ride through my patch too, harvesting the overwatered flowers and gaining those points so they don't die anyway."
Oct 2018
2:51am, 17 Oct 2018
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Not easy to search the forums, but I did find an earlier reference to the 1/7 phenomenon in 2017 (4th August): fetcheveryone.com/forum__48002__2147__fetchpoint_the_game

No changes in the way this works then? :-)
Oct 2018
9:01am, 17 Oct 2018
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One point about the flowers is that if you run through them between 2 and 4 weeks they won't die, so even if they have the full points, just make sure you go through them again for them to survive and be harvested at 6 weeks.
Oct 2018
9:14am, 17 Oct 2018
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I thought that once flowers reach 20 points its impossible to water them again, however often you pass through them. So if they reach 20 points in the first 2 weeks, then they'll die before harvesting at 6 weeks.
Oct 2018
9:30am, 17 Oct 2018
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I think that this may be a question for Sir to clarify as the game guide is not clear on this point.
Oct 2018
9:32am, 17 Oct 2018
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Interesting. I sense an experiment regarding the 2-4 weeks when already at 20. Though I've probably had lots of those occurrences and not noticed what happened!

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