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Fetchie Flab Fighters

80 watchers
29 Jan
10:21am, 29 Jan 2025
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Well, hello everyone! I’ve checked back several times and seen no activity….. was just coming on to say how quiet it was, and there you all are.

WtnMel - it’s great to see the trendweight turn down, isn’t it? As long as those blobs are below the line, even if only by a little, it’s a good day. I had 3 weeks of being mostly above the line from early December, but happy to say it is a firm downward trend now.

GG - I have had a similar experience where a day of carbage has actually seen me lighter the following day. But I have to say those are the rarities, much more common is to go up several pounds. My record is a 7lb increase from one day to the next! That’s why Intry to pay more attention to the trendweight number, it irons out the rollercoaster. Especially helpful to me doing intermittent fasting, because when I fast I am pretty much guaranteed to go down, and when I eat after fasting I am pretty much guaranteed to go up at least a little. Although not always.

Shades - 3lb to go, wow! Are you excited? Or maybe you have been there before and it’s familiar territory. I am just over 35lb to go, and I’M excited!

Lizzie - hang in there. If you can find ways to soothe and support yourself which don’t involve food, that would be ideal. But we are all human and the impulse to turn to food in tough times is deeply ingrained. Retraining it takes time, effort and energy, and maybe you don’t have those to spare at the moment? Please don’t beat yourself up if that’s the case.

So a quick summary of my new regime since 6th Jan. The first week and most of the second were great - my fasts were good and clear, my eating in between was on plan, I felt fantastic and my BG and the scale agreed. Then I allowed a little bit of sugar in, and a little bit more. So on the 3rd week I ended the long fast early with initially some low carb foods, but then a sugar rush. There was still a little weight loss that week, but nowhere near as much, and BG’s were moving in the wrong direction.

So reset for week 4 (this week) and all going well so far. I have been fasting since Sunday evening and will break it at lunchtime today for a good 66 hour fast. I am staying sugar-free for now, with the exception of the tiny bit of sugar in 2 squares of 90% dark chocolate on some eating days. I have 2 more weeks of this regime before I go to spend a few days with my mother, and the following week a few days away with friends for Mr’s birthday. I won’t fast for 2 days when in company, but I will fit shorter fasts in between where I can.

And then after Mr’s birthday break, reassess and decide on the next stage. Apart from the weight side - my waist is now 87cm, which means I need to drop another 2cm (less than an inch) to get it to exactly half my height. That gets me out of the high risk category. Another 5cm beyond that gets me into the low risk category.

I am wearing size 16 jeans, for the first time in 30 years. They actually fit me properly. The average BMI for a woman my age in the UK is 28.8. That is only 6lb away on trendweight and less than 3lb from today’s raw scale weight.

In a few weeks, definitely before Mr’s birthday, I am going to be AVERAGE!
29 Jan
12:51pm, 29 Jan 2025
6,006 posts
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RevB - fabulous progress, well deserved for the dedication you've shown. Very exciting for you being so close on the waist measurement, that will be another important milestone reached.

Re my weight, I've been one pound lighter than I am now but my fat/muscle % journey was then halted by the pandemic. This is the closest since then. Once the target weight is reached then I'll book a session with the gym PT. The next stage is to work on increasing muscle, will be hard as I'll need to up calories, increase protein macro and balance that with marathon training.

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Maintained by Lizzie W
Here we go another year, another start to the weight loss thread.

Let's give it our all this year and conquer our eating demons.

It's all about small changes, which lead to big changes.


Heres the link for the spreadsheet

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