Aug 2023
7:52pm, 3 Aug 2023
1,391 posts
Hope it goes well ER.
Thought I'd found a trumpet teacher online but she seems to have disappeared into the cyberether. Shame, because it was face-to-face 10 mins down the road. Will have a look for Zoom lessons - zoomed lessons with cello during lockdown and I think it would work OK with trumpet. Plenty of sites with teachers listed - or do any Fetchies teach trumpet (at usual rates) or know someone else who would be good? Near North Warwickshire or Zoom.
Shifted from cello to 2nd oboe last term at orchestra after breaking my arm - took a bit of rehabbing to be able to play cello again. I'm being kept on oboe next term, but have said I'm happy to move back to cello if another oboist wants to join the orchestra. Got the repertoire for autumn term yesterday and it's not really grabbing me TBH, though this is relative, because we did Beethoven's 7th last term and that's fab. Schumann cello concerto, Faure Bergamasques Suite, Mayer Symphony no.1. Maybe they'll grow on me.
Aug 2023
8:18pm, 3 Aug 2023
16,745 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Good luck, ER! I also played my violin in public for the first time in years as my violin teacher died and I was asked to play at his funeral. No pressure 😮😮😮.
But it has spurred me to practise again and I am even trying to get lessons.
Aug 2023
7:57am, 4 Aug 2023
17,410 posts
Nice both. Since retiring, I'm slowly getting back into piano, though not practising regularly. I must get my trumpet out, though it's not going to be pretty, having had a 28 year holiday from playing it! One good thing is that all the woodwinds I played in the past will be lost from my chops and I can start afresh with a blank canvas so to speak!!
Aug 2023
1:28pm, 4 Aug 2023
9,843 posts
Eynsham Red
Thanks everyone.
That must have been a tough gig ITG!
Aug 2023
3:05pm, 4 Aug 2023
16,748 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
It was a concert as much as a funeral so i was not the only one. I played a piece he had written - one that was not too hard so I could do it justice!
Aug 2023
8:04am, 10 Aug 2023
9,861 posts
Eynsham Red
Well, all went fairly well. (To quote Morecambe and Wise, I played all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order!) I had no negative comments, but that is one advantage of playing with a church band 😀
Aug 2023
4:07pm, 13 Aug 2023
40,674 posts
Well done
Aug 2023
4:15pm, 13 Aug 2023
17,424 posts
Aug 2023
7:32pm, 13 Aug 2023
3,242 posts
Steve NordRunner
Hello all. I thought I would join the thread as a singer, and lately an Irish whistle player. I'm currently saving up for a Carbony low D. I know there was at least one other whistle player around who was in the Fetch lockdown band. Maybe there are others. I'm toying with the idea of getting an Irish flute, but I know less about them and the instruments are pricier.
Aug 2023
9:44pm, 13 Aug 2023
9,867 posts
Eynsham Red
I love the sound of an Irish whistle. I wish you well with your saving.