Sep 2020
3:56pm, 11 Sep 2020
107 posts
Captain S
I have a didgeridoo and could try to master it for the next recording.
Sep 2020
12:00pm, 12 Sep 2020
4,334 posts
Just attempted to play my clarinet. Lower register all fine, and the lower half of the upper register. The very top notes were a bit squeaky! A bit of practice needed
Sep 2020
1:32pm, 12 Sep 2020
13,958 posts
I wouldn't be able to play clarinet these days...not after trumpet and flute for 28 years after I stopped playing the clarinet.
Sep 2020
9:29am, 16 Sep 2020
421 posts
I might need to get a bigger computer...
I've gone back through a few pages, and the line up for Chariots of Fire is looking as follows:
Strings: Violin - RachE, ITG, SusiesueHarp Viola - Panad Cello - RunnyBunny Bass - GetOutTheDoor
Woodwind: Flute - Alice the Camel, Garfield, JCB Oboe - RunnyBunny, WA Clarinet - Westmoors, Kirsty Recorder - Pothunter, SusiesueHarp, CatsWhiskers Sax - LouiseRuns, Marmite, GimmeMedals, PoppyH
Brass: Trumpet - Garfield, Pothunter, EdJ (will keep it smple!) Euphonium - AngusClydesdale Trombone - FlyingScotsman (TBC)
Guitar/uke: BarefootEm, Maclennane, EynshamRed
Percussion: CaptainS, WA, VancouverJogger
Other: Piano - SPR, WinnieFree, OranJ (TBC) Keyboard - WA, JCB Harp - SusiesueHarp
I've also got a list of about a dozen people who have previously mentioned playing something, so I will f-mail them to see if they want to join in.
If you're not on the list and want to be then please let me know. And if you're on the list and don't want to be - that's also fine. As we've said all along, it's just a bit of fun!
Sep 2020
9:58am, 16 Sep 2020
2,013 posts
Loving the look of the range and scope of instruments we’ve now got in the Fetch Band - well done Fetchies 👏
Sep 2020
10:10am, 16 Sep 2020
10,430 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Thanks, Ed! That's a great little orchestra shaping up!
Sep 2020
10:11am, 16 Sep 2020
10,431 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Ed, I know you won MOM and I want to ask you a question there but I cannot find the link. Do you know where it is?
Sep 2020
10:22am, 16 Sep 2020
15 posts
What a band!!! I could possibly nip out to the featured beach one lunchtime - definitely not up for playing bass on the beach - but could do a phone video of a little of it. We have an amazing view out the downwards stair at work - can see the old course hotel and some of North Sands.
Sep 2020
10:22am, 16 Sep 2020
422 posts
@ITG - looks like the 'question window' might have closed, but if you ask it here or f-mail me I'll see if I can tack it on the end.
Sep 2020
11:20am, 16 Sep 2020
5,216 posts
Vancouver Jogger
EdJ - as well as a bigger computer have you thought about using something other than iMovie?