Sep 2018
9:14am, 9 Sep 2018
14,744 posts
We had proper rain yesterday so yes, I think there will be some mud
Next year
Sep 2018
9:37am, 9 Sep 2018
14,745 posts
Sep 2018
9:49am, 9 Sep 2018
12,008 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
I so love that pic 😍
And even better at that point remember we were First place in the whole marathon!!! Go us!!!!
Brilliant fantastic day, if you could bottle that feeling... that's the attitude we can remind ourselves of whilst we're in this crazy journey!
Sep 2018
4:22pm, 10 Sep 2018
12,011 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
Monday monday monday
And where are you all?!
Hopefully the start of a new weeks been kind - I have had a crazy day at work, observing behaviours I've managed to stay polyanna all day and keep saying "one thing at a time" "we can get through this" and keep fairly level headed.... it's making me really think about how we cope with stress
It's interesting when to take a big step back how calm you can remain... that's something for me to keep working on
I'm trying out mentally pretending not to be here so things dont affect me so much - normally I take it all inside... I'm trying to be like a bubble - and realise this is just work and it will all be done at some stage
How are you all?
Sep 2018
6:34pm, 10 Sep 2018
8,410 posts
Hello everyone. Got back from 2 weeks of holidaying in France on Saturday. Ate far too much bread and cheese and have out on 6 lbs. I CAN lose it again though and have started well today with healthy soup, fruit and yoghurt. I didn't run while we were away but walked about 81,000 steps in each of the 2 weeks - my normal average is only about 54,000. Not sure what to do about my running - I'm finding it difficult to get back to it and motivation is low. I CAN find a solution though, I'm sure. Glad to see you're all stil achieving xx
Sep 2018
10:43pm, 10 Sep 2018
14,083 posts
SW I need to do something to get the running going again. Why is it so hard to get back to it?
Meanwhile I've stuck to low carb for a couple of weeks and it seems to be working however today was sandwich lunch with no alternatives so I succumbed (sp??)
Sep 2018
9:11am, 11 Sep 2018
5,578 posts
I'm finding it hard to get back into running for all sorts of reasons. It just doesn't feel very natural at the moment. I get out of breath, my heart rate rockets, my wobbly bits wobble: it's just not very enjoyable, certainly compared to the way it used to be way back when.
BUT I'm sure I found that when I first started too and have erased those memories. And I know that if I do it consistently for a few weeks it will be easier.
I can put myself through 45 minutes of intense spinning far more easily than half an hour of gentle running right now. Makes no sense.
Sep 2018
12:12pm, 11 Sep 2018
7,423 posts
SK - I was saying to Bint the other day that right now running is the hardest it has ever been for me. I’m making no (or limited) progress and the effort far exceeds any rewards. However as my options only appear to be carry on or give up, I shall soldier on and hope it gets better eventually.
Sep 2018
8:35pm, 11 Sep 2018
14,749 posts
Oh Paula That’s exactly how I was feeling on this mornings run
Sep 2018
8:37pm, 11 Sep 2018
14,750 posts
But a big success for me today I decided I did not want any of the fuddle food and so I did not have any
And as it’s a year until FRU and I and anyone who want to join us on the start line of the Yorkshireman ultra half it’s all one step at a time