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Fetch Birdwatchers

1 lurker | 167 watchers
Jul 2020
4:33pm, 23 Jul 2020
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Thanks ...
They were using my 28-135 lens, at 53, aperture around f4.5/f5m ISO 6400, and 1/200th
I left it to the camera to do the settings, other than me setting 'sports' mode and no flash, since generally too far away.

Anything like 400mm (or anything more than 135!) would need to aim pre-focused at a spot, fire rapidly and hope one went through at the right time.
Jul 2020
4:50pm, 23 Jul 2020
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Are you somewhere hot um? Because all of the British bats are insectivorous; No fruit bats in (most of) Europe! Or was the grape thing a joke?

You might have more luck photographing them if you know when and where they are emerging.
Jul 2020
4:55pm, 23 Jul 2020
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Thanks jacdaw - am in Wiltshire, so not too hot.

They live in trees / copse next to my garden, and come out and hour or 2 after sunset. Or that's when they're visible. But they fly round and back to the trees, not a mass exodus like I've seen in other places.
Jul 2020
4:56pm, 23 Jul 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
You could try keeping those setting but using a faster shutter speed but the light levels might be too low to get anything useful.
Jul 2020
5:14pm, 23 Jul 2020
431 posts
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Probably teaching my granny to suck eggs etc. but you're going to get blurring on a BiF (🦇 in flight in this case!) at *realistically* anything less than 1/1000s under normal conditions anyway and that's where the problem lies in this case, with the available light at the time they are active.

The ISO noise doesn't actually seem too bad considering the conditions in the uncropped image. Stick that up a few notches to gain some more shutter speed you may find your sensor to be forgiving and you can maybe de-noise in processing later.
Jul 2020
5:17pm, 23 Jul 2020
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^^ that should have said: *realistically* anything less than 1/1000s HANDHELD.
Jul 2020
11:32pm, 23 Jul 2020
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I was up at the little lough this evening. I thought the highlight was going to be the fifty or so swallows twittering above the lough at sunset. However, in the twilight I heard a splash about 30m along the bank from where I was. It didn’t sound like a fish. I turned and spotted the long, dark shape in the margins. It leisurely made it’s way long the edge of the lough, stopping now and then to dive underwater. A couple of times it surfaced with something to eat. It was close enough (and the wind light enough) that I could very clearly hear the crunch of whatever was being chewed.

There are rudd and trout in the lough, as well as crayfish so I can’t be sure what it was eating. It didn’t seem like a difficult chase and I didn’t see any fish splash on the surface in an attempt to get out if the way quickly so my guess would be crayfish. I watched it for a couple of minutes, before it swam back the way it had come and then headed out into the lough.

A couple of minutes later there was a very loud splash about 10 feet to my left. I turned to see the swirl and then, a few seconds later, a head appeared about 15 feet away to my right. It sat at the edge of the lough for a while, staring at me, and then it took itself off, underwater.

It was very gloomy so I can’t be sure, but I think it was too small and bold to be an otter. I think it was more likely to be a mink.
Jul 2020
7:18pm, 24 Jul 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Talking of bats, I was most surprised to get home and find this little one hanging above the front door. I’ve never seen one roosting on the house before, but then I’ve never looked. I hope it’s ok, it didn’t move despite me going in and out of the door several times.

I know nothing about bats, anyone have an idea what sort of bat it is?

Jul 2020
10:44pm, 24 Jul 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
It’s a couple of hours after sunset and the bat hasn’t moved. I’m not convinced it’s alive.
Jul 2020
7:07am, 25 Jul 2020
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I saw one in a similar state a few years ago, it was dead. I think their feet lock closed and need conscious effort to open so it could be. Hope not, I love bat's.

About This Thread

Maintained by AngelWings
Big Garden Birdwatch 24th - 26th January 2025 rspb.org.uk

BTO BirdTrack: blx1.bto.org

BirdTrack App: bto.org

BTO Website: bto.org

Website for identifying dragon & damselflies: british-dragonflies.org.uk
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