Fetch Birdwatchers

1 lurker | 165 watchers
May 2020
9:33am, 27 May 2020
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I thought Springwatch was particularly good last night!

Nothing remarkable while out on a seven miler this morning other than a single Skylark singing.
Dunno what to do with those bins Pothunter; Google it!
May 2020
9:50am, 27 May 2020
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I really enjoyed Springwatch as well. Especially the Orkney film.

Saw an extremely bedraggled looking coal tit in the garden today. Looked as if it may have just escaped the clutches of one of the neighbourhood cats.

I am having to fill up my fay ball feeders as the jackdaws and a solitary rook are clearing them out.
May 2020
9:55am, 27 May 2020
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That will only encourage them Surelyknot. We limit them to one a day.
And they're starting to know & queue up for it.
May 2020
10:05am, 27 May 2020
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I'm pleased to say that our families of great tits and blue tits have both now fledged. I'm sad I didn't get to see the fledging, and I haven't seen any youngsters being fed in the garden, but the next door neighbours have. I hope the parents will be able to get a bit of me-time soon, they've been run ragged feeding the young'uns.
May 2020
10:18am, 27 May 2020
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Derby Tup
Birds on a socially distanced walk with a friend and our dogs this morning up on the local moors: lapwing, curlew, wheatear, mipit, stonechat (family group), red grouse, goldfinch, wren, blackbird, willow warbler, golden plover, swallow, skylark (heard), cuckoo (heard)
May 2020
10:21am, 27 May 2020
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um - the Corvids are amongst the smartest birds and I do believe they would form an orderly queue.
May 2020
10:44am, 27 May 2020
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The crows worked out how to get our fat ball feeder off the hook so they could open the feeder and get them out. We changed the angle and it took them one visit to work it out. Changed it again and it’s now definitely not removable from the hook by beaks!!!
May 2020
10:45am, 27 May 2020
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Sounds like a great walk DT 😀
May 2020
10:48am, 27 May 2020
1,730 posts
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That's a great bit of spotting DT.
May 2020
11:12am, 27 May 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
It was great to see Springwatch back, Chris Packham is so passionate about his subject (though I did want to slap him when he mentioned the “hours daily exercise” but that’s a subject for another thread).

About This Thread

Maintained by AngelWings
Big Garden Birdwatch 26-28th January rspb.org.uk

BTO BirdTrack: blx1.bto.org

BirdTrack App: bto.org

BTO Website: bto.org

Website for identifying dragon & damselflies: british-dragonflies.org.uk

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