Fetch Birdwatchers

165 watchers
May 2020
10:46pm, 20 May 2020
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May 2020
10:48pm, 20 May 2020
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Derby Tup
Hard to tell from that picture but it doesn’t look particularly like either to me. I’m not even convinced it’s a raptor
May 2020
11:54pm, 20 May 2020
1,650 posts
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Blowing up as much as I can it does suggest raptor to me but very difficult to tell what. The width of the wings would suggest Peregrine rather than Hobby to me but nothing conclusive.
May 2020
11:59pm, 20 May 2020
19,156 posts
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Wings look too rounded for a Hobby to me - I always think of them as looking like giant swifts.
May 2020
10:17am, 21 May 2020
2,443 posts
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Not a buzzard? here's one of mine, looks vaguely similar?
(aren't the wings too straight for a peregrine?)

May 2020
10:32am, 21 May 2020
15,671 posts
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Can't quite see the outline of the tail but the colouring says red kite to me.
May 2020
10:35am, 21 May 2020
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Derby Tup
Looking at it without blowing it up it does looks vaguely peregriney. It’s not a buzzard, and certainly not a kite. There’s what appears to be a white spot in front of the head, that suggest possibly a long bill. tbh I’ve no idea what it is
May 2020
11:38am, 21 May 2020
3,905 posts
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I agree with Derby's first thought--doesn't look like either. Wings are not pointed enough for Peregrine or Hobby. Wings a bit broad for a Kite. The first photo seems to show a very pale head which stumps me! Maybe the sunlight has emphasised colours to confusion.

Twenty Willow Warblers Derby! That's an incredible score (pun intended!), I've not seen twenty in ten years!
Now a hedgehog in the garden is something of a treat fozzy--never had one in mine.
May 2020
11:43am, 21 May 2020
42,010 posts
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Derby Tup
It would be difficult to count them because I suspect there was more than one is some of the trees steve. Funny thing is this is the third spring we’ve been here and I bet I have counted five in the last two springs. A classic example of finding the right environment for a specific species. You could spend years where the warblers are and not see a dipper or a puffin
May 2020
11:44am, 21 May 2020
16,093 posts
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Whatever it is, it's big. The transmitter is 244 metres tall. The nest is just below the platform, which has a railing at least waist height.

I may have to take a walk up there and have a look for myself

About This Thread

Maintained by AngelWings
Big Garden Birdwatch 26-28th January rspb.org.uk

BTO BirdTrack: blx1.bto.org

BirdTrack App: bto.org

BTO Website: bto.org

Website for identifying dragon & damselflies: british-dragonflies.org.uk

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