Fetch Birdwatchers
9 lurkers |
167 watchers
May 2020
10:57am, 5 May 2020
3,893 posts
No House Martin, Swift, Willow Warblers (except for my first one earlier in April), no Cuckoo (but my cousin sees/hears one or two every morning in the Welsh Valleys). On my run this morning my first (late) Lesser Whitethroat singing, Reed Warbler and Cetti's singing, 12 Blackcaps singing plus a half dozen Chiffs. Greenfinch, Goldfinch singing too. Getting milk Scribbler! I've had a milkman for the last thirty years--costs more but I've always kept my allegiance to that industry having been a milkman fifty years ago! (and then I got a career!!) |
May 2020
11:02am, 5 May 2020
41,120 posts
Derby Tup
bradfordbirders.blogspot.com The wood warbler are 35 mins or so walk from where I used to live and I’ve heard them there in the past (and cuckoo near by). Now maybe 30 mins drive so sadly out of reach |
May 2020
11:39am, 5 May 2020
4,882 posts
The Scribbler
I'd love to get milk delivered steve, but no one does it round here :-). Even better if I could get non homogenised stuff straight from the farm. We get meat veg and fruit from a local organic box scheme but their cows are for meat, not dairy.
May 2020
12:09pm, 5 May 2020
1,692 posts
No Swift so far in SE Scotland. Can't wait to hear see and hear them. Like miniature Stuka bombers. |
May 2020
12:29pm, 5 May 2020
2,158 posts
Minnie Mad
So excited to have finally seen a cuckoo, well a pair actually. They were up on Holme Moss cuckooing away, I thought they were more woodland than moorland birds. I turned around and saw them playing/mating on an old gate post. Very exciting. Hardly any swallows here, but saw a kestrel, tons of goldfinches (a whole flock of them), and a spotted woodpecker up very close. Some leaves fell off a tree as I ran past so I stopped and waited and saw him pecking away above me. |
May 2020
12:32pm, 5 May 2020
1,693 posts
Well, well, well. Just spotted a solitary swift. Fantastic! |
May 2020
12:51pm, 5 May 2020
41,128 posts
Derby Tup
Open heathland, high farmland, scattered stunted trees, edge of moorland is where I expect cuckoo Holme Moss sounds spot on |
May 2020
1:32pm, 5 May 2020
1,526 posts
I just has some swifts screaming past my window in work😊
May 2020
1:32pm, 5 May 2020
1,527 posts
May 2020
6:30pm, 5 May 2020
2,737 posts
Swifts for me too, this afternoon. First of the year! Love them. This was out on a run, not over my garden, but I'll expect them here in the next few days. Minnie Mad, there are a small number of bird species which cuckoos target for their brood-parasitism, and where you get those birds you get the cuckoos. Round here in a Norfolk river valley they are probably targeting reed warblers. Where you saw them, most likely meadow pipits. Talking of which, the cuckoo I heard shouting away a couple of days ago was there again yesterday, similarly giving it the full cuck-oo for ages. I listened to a garden warbler again, presumably the same one. |
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