May 2017
8:18pm, 28 May 2017
22,963 posts
Derby Tup
Probably right
May 2017
8:19pm, 28 May 2017
1,391 posts
We've recently spotted a few interesting birds whilst out n about. A tawny owl inside a mill ruin. Curlews and lapwings by the boatload on the moors, including a curlew chick sat on the footpath. And, more excitingly for me, a golden plover. Never seen one of those before, so had to get Google on the case!
The woodpecker in our garden is now pretty much a daily visitor.
It's probably already been discussed, but didn't the swallows arrive early this year?
May 2017
8:20pm, 28 May 2017
7,249 posts
Think this is the rock pipit.
Nice spots cackleberry.
May 2017
2:01am, 29 May 2017
17,039 posts
Heard a very distinctive call on the moors above Todmorden today. Long and repeated. Sort of 'earrrrrp'. Similar but far longer in length than the multitude of skylarks. Any ideas?
May 2017
9:42am, 29 May 2017
26,269 posts
Lots of starlings are just landing on my lawn, both young and old.
May 2017
9:54am, 29 May 2017
22,967 posts
Derby Tup
flanker, there are probably only a handful of birds likely to make the sound you heard - meadow pipit, skylark, wheatear, snipe, golden plover, lapwing, curlew and redshank. Maybe go to the rspb web-site and check out the calls on there. My money's on one of the first four
May 2017
3:08pm, 29 May 2017
7,250 posts
Can anyone please help identify this little chap who was bouncing around on the coastal rocks at Llanelli?
May 2017
3:14pm, 29 May 2017
7,251 posts
Here's another pic.
May 2017
3:48pm, 29 May 2017
1,797 posts
May 2017
4:55pm, 29 May 2017
7,252 posts
Thanks, that was my best guess, going by the purple on the front. Never seen one before though.