May 2017
7:23am, 13 May 2017
1,775 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
They are standing around on the lawn looking stupid, I fear it's only a matter of time before our cat gets one 😞
May 2017
9:14am, 13 May 2017
389 posts
Do Magpies attack the young of other birds? We have a pair of wood pigeons that have nested in the tall conifer tree in our garden for years. There has been a lot of activity there as they are bringing food back to the nest so I assume that there is a baby or 2 in there. Yesterday, a magpie was paying a lot of attention to the nest and going in and out of the tree a lot. Could it have been after the baby?
May 2017
9:21am, 13 May 2017
12,867 posts
I think they could well have been, Andrew.
We had a fledgling greenfinch in the school garden yesterday, near the bird feeders, with food all round its beak. I didn't manage to get a picture of it, it I did get the Siskin on the feeder.
May 2017
10:54am, 13 May 2017
17,453 posts
Corvids will certainly go for eggs and young birds given half a chance.
May 2017
11:18am, 13 May 2017
1,673 posts
don't doubt your self J2R...description is perfect for a Linnet. Just because certain species aren't "supposed to come into a garden" doesn't mean they won't. I've had a Reed Warbler in mine and it's a fair way from water and in the city too!
May 2017
11:40am, 13 May 2017
498 posts
steve45, it wasn't the fact that it was in my garden which was the most puzzling, it was the fact that it was by itself. I've only ever seen linnets in groups before, although of course it is breeding season and that makes a big difference to the behaviour. I'm having it as a 'tick' anyway!
May 2017
6:52pm, 13 May 2017
1,793 posts
I had the brightest coloured redpoll I have ever seen on my niger feeder today. Just stunning.
May 2017
9:03pm, 13 May 2017
15,047 posts
Wriggling Snake
Curlew on Eyam moor. Greenfinch.
Perhaps a siskin or two....not sure.
May 2017
9:47am, 14 May 2017
1,676 posts
I'm envious of some of the sightings on here..never had a Repoll in my garden..only flying iover. Siskins too. Stonechat again on my morning run. Heron over. Common Whitethroat, plenty of Blackcaps, Reed Warbler, Goldcrest (and one singing in my garden).
May 2017
10:03am, 14 May 2017
22,818 posts
Derby Tup
Sky full of swifts, a song thrush and a chiffchaffing chiffchaff on the morning's vizsla walk