May 2017
2:36pm, 9 May 2017
480 posts
alpenrose, despite the yellow, they'll be green woodpeckers. Lots of yellow on them. You actually see them on the ground, eating ants, more often than you see them in trees.
May 2017
3:11pm, 9 May 2017
1,756 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I saw a pair of swallows out on my run today too. Also a pair of what I think were house martins, but hard to tell as they were silhouetted against the sky on a phone wire. They were also getting friendly with each other
May 2017
3:12pm, 9 May 2017
481 posts
First swifts of the year over the house today. Very late. Must be those northerly winds.
May 2017
3:35pm, 9 May 2017
25,862 posts
Thanks J2R, that's what I thought they were. I didn't see the swifts today but I went to check up on the swans and look what I found......
May 2017
3:37pm, 9 May 2017
25,863 posts
Then Mum got up......
7 babies and another egg unhatched.
May 2017
8:56pm, 9 May 2017
7,267 posts
Watford Wobble
What we think were nesting / feeding skylarks. The young certainly 'clicked' a lot.
Lovely photos Alpenrose.
May 2017
10:42pm, 9 May 2017
1,757 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Saw this on a path I'd not been down before, a riding hat left on a fence and something nested in it. I don't know if it's currently in use.
May 2017
9:01am, 10 May 2017
1,662 posts
I wondered briefly which country alpenrose might be in! Golden Oriole country?!..but undoubtedly Green Woods as J2R has said! Nice to see those pics alpenrose..the pair you mentioned some while ago?
May 2017
9:15am, 10 May 2017
376 posts
Saw my first swift of the year this morning; always a sign that summer is here at last. A goldfinch was getting 1 of his 5 a day on my plum tree which looks like it is going to bear a lot of fruit this year. There is a blackbird sitting atop a tree 2 doors down and singing his heart out. Such a beautiful morning and the air is full of birdsong
May 2017
10:15am, 10 May 2017
1,408 posts
Fragile - my mother in law had a hat hanging in a hut in the garden that was a regular nesting place for wrens