Aug 2016
12:51pm, 10 Aug 2016
3,699 posts
But it only pays out if you get a PB....
Aug 2016
1:07pm, 10 Aug 2016
1,011 posts
Well it should only pay out if a PB is attained but I think there is a bug at present.
Aug 2016
1:30pm, 10 Aug 2016
3,229 posts
so in my circumstances people bet on me thinking I could get a PB, I then change my prediction, do they get notified? Otherwise, people effectively lose their bet unless they are monitoring my prediction.
Aug 2016
2:32pm, 10 Aug 2016
1,013 posts
When I bet on people I also check out their other recent races and training, not just their prediction. If a prediction has not been made, this is the only info to go on!
Aug 2016
3:12pm, 10 Aug 2016
3,562 posts
I see someone is hoping to do a 10k in 20 minutes Could possibly be a typo?!
Aug 2016
1:30pm, 11 Aug 2016
233 posts
Good odds though!
Aug 2016
4:25pm, 11 Aug 2016
9,067 posts
I think entering a predicted time just brings you up as a runner to be bet on for that week on the betting page. The odds and paying out is calculated for a PB time at the distance. I don't tend to enter a predicted time unless the race is a PB target one, though obviously people sometimes still track you down and bet anyway (as at last week's trail 5 mile in my case) - but I can't help that!
Aug 2016
10:21am, 19 Aug 2016
263 posts
Anyone able to confirm if you get your stake returned when you win a bet, or just the winnings amount?
Oct 2016
10:46am, 20 Oct 2016
3,578 posts
(Waves hello.)
I *think* you get the stake back.
Oct 2016
8:18pm, 23 Oct 2016
21,400 posts
And Helegant should know as she's top of the leader board.
Not bad for a woman of the cloth.
I had some good bets on today and one hasn't paid out yet.