Jul 2018
7:48pm, 1 Jul 2018
30,164 posts
Lip Gloss
Seemingly my dad is taking himself off home tomorrow. Hospital still don't know what is wrong but he is so stubborn and I think being a but horrid so they are letting him go. God only knows what we will do with him
Jul 2018
7:58pm, 1 Jul 2018
14,793 posts
What a worry LG Why did they admit him in the first place?
Jul 2018
8:06pm, 1 Jul 2018
23,040 posts
Oh that's a concern LG Surely they can't just let him go without having some sort of care plan in place?
Jul 2018
8:17pm, 1 Jul 2018
30,166 posts
Lip Gloss
That's what we were hoping LD but if he is discharging himself there is probably not a lot they can do.
I still really don't know the full story but I think it was an irregular heart beat and a bit breathless. Hopefully it was maybe just the heat but I will speak to my sister tomorrow who may know more. I will phone him on Tuesday and hear his version which of course could be quite different
Jul 2018
8:17pm, 1 Jul 2018
13,185 posts
My MiL would appear to have ordered a new gas fire. She isnt entirely sure and even if she has, she has so far not enquired as to the cost.
The current gas fire is never used but can be tricky to light. However due to cost it will barely be used. When this was mentioned initially a few months agi I did query why pay the cost for practically no use. She doesnt even sit in that room. However a friend seems to have a fire with a remote control and thats what she wants.
Apparently someone phoned yesterday and she asked if it was about the fire installation to which there was no response. I suspect it was really a PPI call (*)
She did say she wished she had got my wife involved and has no asked that we phone the shop tomorrow to help out
(*) This reminds me of a few years ago, My son had an accident in the car. Someone drove into him. A few days later my MiL got a call about an accident she had just had. I havent had an accident she says, but my grandson has. The caller clearly saw an opportunity and got my sons details and he then got a call from them saying his grandmother had told them about his accident......luckily he can spot these scams a mile off.
Jul 2018
8:19pm, 1 Jul 2018
30,168 posts
Lip Gloss
Parents are more of a worry than kids
Jul 2018
8:32pm, 1 Jul 2018
23,041 posts
LG irregular heartbeat and breathlessness were symptoms of my mum's atrial fibrillation and heart failure - does your dad take medication for these ailments? My mum's problem was that she stopped/forgot/refused to take the tablets so she became really poorly. Is there a neighbour or anyone near your dad who can check he's taking whatever medication he might be prescribed (if any)?
Jul 2018
8:41pm, 1 Jul 2018
30,170 posts
Lip Gloss
He does take medication but I don't know what for, he does often forget even though they are in a marked box. He has very good neighbours ( that is who is keeping us informed) but he is so ungrateful to them that I don't think it will be long before they lose patience with him.
Jul 2018
8:48pm, 1 Jul 2018
23,042 posts
That sounds so familiar, LG. I'm sorry, the distance makes your situation all the more difficult compared to ours eighteen months ago. At least I could get to mum within a two hour drive. Unfortunately, as with my mum, sometimes all you can do is wait for a crisis to lead to a resolution.
Having said that, I brought my mum up to our house from the care home today. All she would talk about was how she *would* be able to manage 'a little flat' of her own. This despite the fact that she needs assistance to get out of a chair, cannot retain information for five minutes, has next to no grip strength in her left hand (she's left handed) etc etc etc. So although I say her situation is resolved by being in a care home, she still views it as temporary.
Jul 2018
8:56pm, 1 Jul 2018
30,171 posts
Lip Gloss
I can't ever see us getting him into any kind of care home. He did admit his memory is falling a bit but point blank refuses to get a home help or any anything like that. It will lead to something one day