Courageous Finish or Bad Marshalling

9 watchers
Dec 2012
1:39pm, 3 Dec 2012
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Agree with a lot of what has already been said (being a bit late to the party so to speak), if that had been my son wild horses would not have kept me from pulling him out of the race myself - but I can be a bit of a mother tiger where the junior Leaves are concerned. I do agree that the adult examples could be viewed differently, but there must come a point when anyone may need to be overruled if they are in no fit state to make a rational decision?
Dec 2012
1:40pm, 3 Dec 2012
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I cant see the video because Im at work but if it is called a High School Championship then Im assuming its in the US? If so the kid in question could be anything up to 18 as thats when they finish over there.

Not that that makes it any better necessarily.
Dec 2012
2:01pm, 3 Dec 2012
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I contemplated pulling out of a marathon [at 13 miles] a few years ago with a calf strain and sore foot. Only carried on because another runner said that they would walk the remainder with me. However, my dad only came to see me run a a marathon for the first time in 2010. He asked my wife if there was any chance that I would pull out and she said that I definately wouldn't. Family trait of stubbornesss probably!
Dec 2012
2:58pm, 3 Dec 2012
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Lisa T
Aww, thats not nice to watch. I totally think the ironman one is a different situation & yes would not be impressed if someone hadn't let me finish after a days competiton but for a 5k, just not the same deal.
Dec 2012
4:58pm, 3 Dec 2012
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Too Much Water
He's lucky he doesn't do a true team sport (yes I know XC is about running for places and team scores). I watched that clip and thought of Lay-Down Sally who quit on her teammates.
Dec 2012
7:54pm, 3 Dec 2012
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I'm with JB on this. That type of finish needs to get zero exaltation whether it is by an adult or child.

The 5k might be very important to him, it's a championship race. If you can excuse that for your marathons, Ironman race because they are a big deal, you have to realise that for some 5ks and other distances/races are big deals.

Adult or Child, they should really be getting pulled out of the race whatever the distance, if they are in that state. I didn't watch much of the video just enough (so a few secs) to get the jist of what is occuring.
Dec 2012
8:00pm, 3 Dec 2012
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Not brave at all. Agree - zero exaltation should have been the order of the day. Some of the spectators did seem distressed - I would have pulled him out of there myself if I'd been there!
Dec 2012
8:06pm, 3 Dec 2012
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Fenland Runner
The lad didn't get in that condition running a 5k, there is definitely a very serious underlying condition that fully warranted getting 'pulled' from the course. Don't think it is comparable to the finish of an Ultra, IM, etc as you EXPECT to be wrecked.
Dec 2012
10:30pm, 3 Dec 2012
28,122 posts
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yeah agree with FR - got to be pulled - he's a kid in a school event !!

that's child cruelty not getting to him once he'd gone down & getting medical assistance that was obviously required.

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