Nov 2020
12:26pm, 5 Nov 2020
12,543 posts
Looking out of my work window, I'm thinking "Lockdown, what lockdown"? Traffic levels seem about the same as normal, office car parks for non-education facilities look as full as normal.
Is this one going off as a damp squib, or do you think people are letting this week run out properly before making any real shift?
Nov 2020
12:29pm, 5 Nov 2020
19,982 posts
no change for me at all (well no swimming now) and although I know I am incredibly lucky to have a full time job/pay I do sometimes wish I could stay in bed and not think about work - maybe I need to retire early!
Nov 2020
12:31pm, 5 Nov 2020
69 posts
Feel sorry for all those who were made redundant and could have stayed on furlough. I’m fully expecting to be furloughed again before too long.
Nov 2020
12:34pm, 5 Nov 2020
4,811 posts
EP - as we’ve already needed another short lockdown at the start of winter (I’m in Wales so our lockdown isn’t in sync with the English one, but I’d say same principle applies), I’d say it’s highly likely at least one more will be needed before spring (Welsh Government have already said while it’s not inevitable, it’s highly likely they’ll be another in the new year).
I’m not a big fan of the U.K. government, but think it’s really sensible to extend the furlough scheme - I think it was daft putting a deadline on it in the first place, which was due to end as we were going into winter when things were likely to get worse.
Nov 2020
12:34pm, 5 Nov 2020
4,812 posts
Agree kaysdee, awful for those who were made redundant who could have been kept on and furloughed
Nov 2020
12:34pm, 5 Nov 2020
13,199 posts
Not much change for me apart from being able to eat out until 8 pm rather than 6pm and have a drink with a meal indoors. Lovely day here.
Hope this lockdown in England has the desired affect. Son went out for a meal out last night in London and the place they booked had run out of food, I think everywhere was busy.
DQ hope things work out fine.
Nov 2020
12:35pm, 5 Nov 2020
20,019 posts
We had a somewhat better journey to W London than usual this morning. The local park is about twice as busy with toddlers and adults as usual. Maybe more than twice.
However today is probably our last childminding this year as our daughter has renegotiated her paid childminder's hours to cover four days a week.
Nov 2020
12:37pm, 5 Nov 2020
70 posts
EP, that wasn’t in response to your comment, but to Sunak’s announcement.
I think I just want to hibernate full stop! I was furloughed March-September, have been working in the office 2 days / 3 days wfh since then and I’ve never been so tired, especially considering I’ve done hardly any running this year. I feel so exhausted.
Nov 2020
12:38pm, 5 Nov 2020
19,983 posts
tired! That's right! WFH is exhausting as you don't take breaks and I'm sure work more I'm just tired
Nov 2020
1:36pm, 5 Nov 2020
1,460 posts
Indication of just how rubbish the app is ......... another manager has just had a notification to isolate for 5 days ....... so his phone had enough contact with a positive case 9 days ago in the office to "ping" but only just now telling him to go home .......