Nov 2020
8:19am, 3 Nov 2020
1,417 posts
The problem with that is, they find everyone who is positive, they all isolate, but they also have to find everyone they came into contact with and get them to isolate as well, unless they do that, then it will continue to spread.
And that relies on the positive people a)remembering who they have come into contact with B) actually providing details of those people
And then it relies on people who aren't positive isolating and I would assume the isolation tate of positive people will be higher than the isolation rate of their contacts?
(I'm just very skeptical as I'm 12 days into isolation and still have never been contacted)
Nov 2020
8:21am, 3 Nov 2020
37,874 posts
hopefully isolating during a lockdown will be easier than when the pubs are open (for the population of liverpool, not aimed at you Roberto, for you its rather bad luck to come out of isolation as the country locks down)
Nov 2020
8:28am, 3 Nov 2020
36,298 posts
I agree we need the kind of blanket testing that Liverpool is proposing. But I also think we need a surer quarantine regime for those who test positive, and for their recent contacts.
I think there needs to be "government supported" isolation. I'm starting to come round to China and other draconian, not to say totalitarian states.
I'd bet that 99.9% of those on this site, if told they were positive and had to fully isolate for 14 days, would full comply. There might be some tough cases, where they are a vulnerable person's only support or where younger family were in the same household, but we would all try our hardest.
But some people just seem to ignore it. What about if the state put resources into supporting you? A combination of enforcement "You are not allowed out" and assistance "anything you needed to be done which you can't organise for yourself while in quarantine, we will help you with"?
Thoughts? G
Nov 2020
8:49am, 3 Nov 2020
8,958 posts
How about some carrot: reward people for isolating - regular salary plus a helping out bonus.
Nov 2020
8:50am, 3 Nov 2020
13,158 posts
Exactly that, HappyG.
Rules without buy-in are pretty useless, so adding support to help people want to be compliant is probably the best way for now.
Nov 2020
8:53am, 3 Nov 2020
36,301 posts
That's a really interesting one simbil. I hadn't even considered that. A sort of "prove you stayed fully isolate (maybe using an app with bluetooth?) for 14 days, paid bonus"??
Nov 2020
8:59am, 3 Nov 2020
4,135 posts
K5 Gus
You cant rely on a phone to prove where someone was, they'd just leave their phone at home and head out if they were trying to beat the system.
Sounds like we need to adopt one of those sci-fi visions that everyone said would/could never happen, ie you have a chip embedded in you, and they can tell where you are at all times
Nov 2020
9:03am, 3 Nov 2020
12,495 posts
@Roberto - the thing is about the contact tracing, it shouldn't be hard for individuals to identify close contacts. I know that in the last 2 weeks I have not been within the parameters for SI due to a positive test with *anyone* other than my family. And that's with me working full time on site in a busy environment. I am always conscious of the two thresholds for NHS definition of close contact (2m for 15 mins, 1m for 1 minute), I use the santisers regularly to avoid contact point contamination, and when I'm not in work or at home (e.g. supermarket) I pay attention to the same parameters. So no-one should need to trace me or trace any of my contacts if I were to test positive.
It's about "living" those concepts all the time and it's not that hard to do in my life. I know some work roles will find this a lot harder, and the compliance of others to help me out with not being a close contact is also a challenge from time to time, but I've got it in my gift to comply so I do.
Every day I come home to a house with three children in full time education, and all three of them are likely infection sources so I'm not and never will be immune from catching this, so I need every day to ensure I'm not the one that passes it to anyone else outside of my immediate family.
I hear tales of people going out to the pub or for a meal with friends "because it's allowed" and it frustrates me - it might be allowed, but it does inherently carry a risk. I think some people think the socialising rules make it safe, but they don't. They tried to make it a level of risk that meant spread was limited and it clearly didn't work because so many people allowed their 2m for 15 minute bubbles to be pierced again and again and again, perhaps picking up an infection from their school child, then to their best friend for their regular Thursday coffee meet up, who then passed it to a work colleague because they couldn't stick to the simple rules and thereafter to all their families etc. That's how the numbers got so large.
Nov 2020
9:05am, 3 Nov 2020
2,948 posts
Tim of Fife
Hands up. Guilty.
Last week's Edinburgh trip turned out to be purely leisure, as business meeting cancelled at short notice.
Travelled on two near empty trains. Went into two very quiet cafes (no other customers in either) and four virtually deserted shops.
Nevertheless, No more trips into Level 3 areas planned. Will stick to exploring Level 2.
Nov 2020
9:05am, 3 Nov 2020
19,896 posts
I've not been in close contact with anyone using those guidelines since early september when we saw son