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Coronavirus discussion thread

135 watchers
Oct 2020
9:49pm, 25 Oct 2020
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I didn't lose all tastes, just some of them so everything was distorted. Neither Mr nor I could smell bleach for instance (we can now), and coffee tasted vile. Most of my sense of taste and smell has come back but not all of it. I used to like foods with mild flavours that I could separate in my mind. Now it tastes bland and I prefer more spicy flavours, but I'm much less tolerant of salt and sugar. It's a bit odd.
Oct 2020
9:56pm, 25 Oct 2020
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Surrey Phil
Having been self-isolated three times and had a household member testing positive, I was really angry after hearing a story tonight.

A friend's daughter was sent home with her year group this week (the second time in a month). Apparently, a classmate's mum phoned the school asking if she could collect him as his Covid-19 test had just been returned positive.

Which bit about: Symptoms > Self-isolate > Apply for Test > Take Test > Self-isolate > Await Test Result, did they not understand?
Oct 2020
9:58pm, 25 Oct 2020
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I know the bug I had was too early for covid (February) but I lost taste and smell but just like with a cold/flu. The one thing I recall was after it came back I couldn’t stand salt & I’m a salt fiend. Also I freeze lemons and limes to put in a G&T- I couldn’t put it in it overpowered everything else. Also I am if a fan of sweet stuff but I cannot tolerate sweet now.

I remember being away for a hubby’s birthday and buying a very expensive bottle of wine which we’ve had when we’ve stayed at this hotel in the past and it was totally wasted on me o could have been drinking the cheapest wine produced.

Thankfully all is ok now and I hope those struggling get back to normal soon
Oct 2020
10:02pm, 25 Oct 2020
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We had that at our school too. Not a whole year group sent home, but same thing, child in school while waiting for the test result.
Oct 2020
10:04pm, 25 Oct 2020
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Surrey Phil
I went down with a high temperature at the beginning of April. I remember having a persistent nauseous headache but I could still breathe OK and did not lose my sense of taste (salt and vinegar crisps). At the time, we could not get tested, and I too was convinced it was 'flu. My niece complained of the same symptoms as me this week, took a test and it came back negative.

My son has just got over Covid-19 having only lost his sense of taste. He generally felt OK so it surprised us all when his test came back positive.
Oct 2020
10:04pm, 25 Oct 2020
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Lip Gloss
Surrey Phil that is the reason this bloody virus is going nowhere fast....

Saw on FB yesterday a local gym had to close for a deep clean as someone in on the Friday or Saturday early had a positive test......the test must have been done on Friday and didn’t self isolate. Lots of people saying it might have been routine cause of work etc but that makes no bloody difference- you have to self isolate. These are the people who will either be moaning that they can’t have Christmas with family or not giving a shit when the rest of us are.
Oct 2020
10:14pm, 25 Oct 2020
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Each time I've done a test it is because the Zoe App has asked me to do it, not because I've had any of the recognised symptoms. There's also the ONS testing which is being regularly undertaken. For both of these people are not required to isolate while waiting for a test result, so that may explain some of these situations.
Oct 2020
10:25pm, 25 Oct 2020
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I am tested every week and there is no need to isolate because I have no symptoms so no reason to suspect I might have Covid. The school situation is odd though, unless it's as TeeBee says above.
Oct 2020
10:33pm, 25 Oct 2020
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Is that a work policy Helegant - the weekly testing?

Working in the NHS, not front line but patient facing, I've been tested once and that was voluntary
Oct 2020
10:35pm, 25 Oct 2020
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Tim of Fife
Mercifully, I have never had a test. Fingers cross that I never do.

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Maintained by sallykate
Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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